Discrimin Supplementary Rows, Jack Knifing Query

From: Culhane, Aedin (a.culhane@ucc.ie)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2001 - 17:20:20 MEST

Dear ADE list,
I would be very grateful if you could help me. Due to the limits of my data
(n<=p), I am unable to use true Discriminant analysis, so I am using
'between analysis'. But is it possible to run 'supplementary rows' after
'between' or 'within' discrimin analysis as neither produce a .dima file.

Also is there an automated jack knifing facility in ADE-4?

I appreciate your help,

Aedín Culhane
Bioinformatics Group, Biochemistry Department, Lee Maltings, University
College Cork, Ireland
Phone: +353 21 4904324 (direct) Email: A.Culhane@ucc.ie

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