Re: Basic question

From: Daniel Chessel (
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 09:37:10 MEST

At 11:08 18/09/2003 +0100, wrote:
>could anyone please tell me how do I select Quick Basic programs via ADE.Old cards? Where is all that?
>Thank you.


question from Byungok Ahn (
Date: Fri Jul 24 1998

I just finished reading several documents on the Web server of ADE4 and
impressed by its capability to represent powerful graphics.
My problem is not find ADE.OLD selection card which may be able to creat a
one-axis or two-axes presentation, for example, in relation to the "Fuzzy
Correspondence analysis" . Where can I find it? Can it be used under Win-95
or is it only for Mac? Is it also possible to obtain graphics with same
content and quality on ADE4 without the ADE.OLD?

answer by Sylvain Doledec (
Date: Thu Aug 20 1998

Sorry for having delayed the answer to your embarrassing questions.
The ADE.Old stack is no more available (neither Mac nor PC). It was part of
version 3.7 and it disappeared with the translation of ADE modules into C
available in the version 4. So any part of the documentation that dealt
with ADE.Old has to be forgotten (in terms of procedure). If you want to
get graphs that are very close to those of the "Fuzzy Correspondence
analysis" documentation I have translated a proposition made on 26/11/97 by
D. Chessel.
We have to apologize that some modules associated to the analysis oof fuzzy
coded variables were not imported in the version 4.0. Especially,
Fuzzytable, FuzzyRowScore, FuzzyScore1 and FuzzyScore2 are no more
available in ADE-4. Follows some useful information to overcome this

The FuzzyRowScore module positioned modalities (columns) with their scores
of variance equal to 1. A row was positioned at the average of modalities
of that row. By contrast, the FuzzyScore1 or 2 modules positioned rows with
their scores of variance equal to 1. A modality was positioned at the
average of rows having the modality.

This possibility is yet available in the ADE-4 version. You may use the
Scatters module and superimpose files "xx.flli" and "xx.flc1" (equivalent
of FuzzyRowScore) or files "xx.flco" and "xx.fll1"(equivalent of
FuzzyScore2). Do not forget to set the scales on the largest values (l1 and
c1 respectively)

Files ".flc1" and "xx.fll1" can be generated from the DDUtil : Add normed
scores option using the "xx.flvp" file as requested.

The last problem concerns the lines that linked modalities and rows. This
kind of presentation was improper since a contant line thickness represents
only roughly a weighted link. Such graphs aimed at presenting the
underlying averaging but was weakly descriptive. The use of various
thickness can be just impossible for large data sets, therefore this
possibility was not imported in the ADE-4 version.

However the ScatterDistri module may help to view the above link. Use the
ScatterDistri : Frequencies option with the file "xx.fll1" and the xxF file
that contains the raw data table (after FuzzyVar : Read Fuzzy File). This
procedure results in as many graphs as the number of modalities. In a given
graph of the jth modality one finds the factorial map of rows. On the same
graphs it is possible to paste similar graphs resulting from the
ScatterDistri : Stars option processed on the same files as the
ScatterDistri : Frequencies option. This is a way to link centroids
(modalities) with corresponding rows. The parametrization of the Row & Col
selection box enables the selection of the modalities of only one variable.

To illustrate the reverse averaging principle just use the ScatterDistri :
Frequencies option with the file "xx.flc1" and xxFTR that contains the
transposed raw data table (after FuzzyVar : Read Fuzzy File and Files :
transpose). This procedure results in as many graphs as the number of rows.
In a given graph of the ith row one finds the factorial map of modalities
(weighted by its use at the ith row). On the same graphs it is possible to
paste similar graphs resulting from the ScatterDistri : Stars option
processed on the same files as the ScatterDistri : Frequencies option to
get lines that link modalities to a centroid for a given row.

The FuzzyTable module will be available soon.

>Finally I would like to know when all topic documents can be fully
>translated in English.

Of course this is a question of time because there is over 1000 pages of
topics doumentation to be translated. This is quite a huge work. We will
acknowledge any suggestion concerning Quick Translator Software. The module
documentation is entirely translated into English and may help you though I
admit that it is slightly different from the topic documentation, which
gives advises for a given problem. So I encourage you to be patient and use
the ADElist forum again (hope we answer faster now). Be sure that we try to
do our best to maintain ADE-4 and its documentations.

Hope all this material will be useful to you and other english speaking
ADE-users. Thank you for your interest.

Daniel Chessel -

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