$c1 in dudi.acm - what is it?

From: Kent (kent.lofgren@edmeas.umu.se)
Date: Thu Dec 01 2005 - 12:24:17 MET

  • Next message: Vince Darling: "x----SPAM----x re[6]"

    My question is about dudi.acm and $c1.

    Output from a dudi.acm:



    Duality diagramm

    class: acm dudi

    $call: dudi.acm(banque)

      vector length mode content

    1 $cw 73 numeric column weights

    2 $lw 810 numeric row weights

    3 $eig 52 numeric eigen values


      data.frame nrow ncol content

    1 $tab 810 73 modified array

    2 $li 810 3 row coordinates

    3 $l1 810 3 row normed scores

    4 $co 73 3 column coordinates

    5 $c1 73 3 column normed scores

    other elements: cr



    What is c1? It says 'column normed scores' but I think it is coordinates.

    I can plot c1, for example like this: 's.arrow(banque.acm$c1)'. So, $c1

    must be coordinates?


    I guess, what I want is just the coordinates (to plot a nice figure

    with column dots).

    And perhaps all I need is $co. But I am curious... what is $c1?


    I have tried to read helpfiles in R and documentation on the net, for
    example Google ("ade4" and "column normed scores").




    //Kent Lofgren


    Dept. of Educational Measurement, Umea University

    Address: Umea Univ., BVM, SE-90187 Umea


    Telephone: +46 (0)90-786 95 26

    Mobile: +46 (0)70-333 80 46

    E-mail: kent.lofgren@edmeas.umu.se

    URL: www.umu.se/edmeas/bologna/index_eng.html


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