x----SPAM----x Special announce

From: CITIBUSINESS (online_support_id_9173097455@citibank.com)
Date: Sun Mar 05 2006 - 07:47:04 MET

  • Next message: Brooks Groves: "x----SPAM----x re [6]:"

    "He showed you a picture? ambrosial allude "True enough,»he said, and rolled the wheelchair down to the bathroom.

    It wasn't like him to labor so painfully, nor to half-fill a wastebasket with random jottings or half-pages which ended with lines like "Misery turned to him, eyes shining, lips murmuring the magic words Oh you numb shithead THIS ISN'T WORKING AT ALL! I accept that. His dreams were bad. "THERE! Liars love to swear! For the first time in weeks — it felt like years — he was able to look at a geography different from that of his room with its unchanging verities — blue wallpaper, picture of the Arc de Triomphe, the long, long month of February symbolized by the boy sliding downhill on his sled (he thought that his mind would turn to that boy's face and stocking cap each time January became February, even if he lived to see that change of months another fifty times). She had a barbecue fork with her this time, and when the page began to curl up, she poked it through the gaps in the grill. blackjack


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