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his eyes, probably because he no longer had eyebrows or eyelashes. Arthur
"Must be the ore settling," Arthur whispered unsurely, barely able to
shoes and gave off an unbearable stench. Or rather, it came from Arthur, it
when he came home, hungry, gloomy, with red wild eyes. And Redrick would
He shuddered. He could hear a long sad sound through the fog. He jumped
human being, I saved my minesweeper. My master key. Back there in the heat,
He looked at Arthur's back again and watched through squinted eyes as
clearly as if they were in the palm of his hand. Right in front, two hundred
truck. They crawled into the shade. Arthur lay on his back and began
over a pile of old planks--it was quiet, exhausted, and so the hell with it;
am I worrying about it? What am I, afraid?
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