Re: MAJ98_Content

From: Jaemin Park (
Date: Tue Sep 15 1998 - 20:26:17 MET DST

At 6:52 PM +0200 9/15/98, Sylvain Doledec wrote:
>Hello, to our english speaking ADE-users
>The main modifications in the version 98 concern:
>1) Correspondence analysis of correspondence with a column of reference, in
>the CA family on models (Escofier, B. 1984. Analyse factorielle en
>référence à un modèle.
>Applications à l'analyse d'un tableau d'échanges. Revue de Statistique
>Appliquée: 32, 4, 25-36). Implementation in COA: ColumnReference,
>Detailed explanations in the form Thema2C.
>2) PCA on fuzzy variables. The question is posed by the manipulation
>of species-traits or species-ecological profiles tables. The option
>FuzzyVar: Fuzzy Centring centers these tables in a logic of PCA. The
>option PCA: Fuzzy PCA makes a PCA centered using assistance with the
>specific interpretation. These options allow to process these tables by
>way of K-sets methods. This operation is explained in the form Thema81
>(Part 8 - under way development). The option Tables: FuzzyVariables
>allows to visualize these tables.
>3) Classic canonical analysis. It is available in Canonical: Canonical
>correlations Analysis. The option reproduces the essential of calculations
>described in the work of reference (Gittins, R. 1985. Canonical analysis, a
>review with applications in ecology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1-351)
>4) Generalized canonical analysis, extension of the previous analysis for
>K-tables (Carrol, J.D. 1968. A generalization of canonical correlation
>analysis to three or more sets of variables. Proceeding of the 76th
>Convention of the American
>Psychological Association: 3, 227-228). Interpretation assistance
>uses proposals of Casin, Ph. & Turlot, J.C. 1986. Une présentation de
>l'analyse canonique généralisée dans l'espace des individus. Revue de
>Statistique Appliquée: XXXV, 3, 65-75.
>5) Matrices of correlation between tables. Canonical: CC coefficients
>calculates matrices of correlation coefficients of the canonical
>analysis, Canonical: RLS coefficients calculates matrices of coefficient
>RLS (Kiers, H.A.L, Cléroux, R. & Ten Berge, M.F. (1994) Generalized
>analysis based on optimizing matrix correlations and a relation with IDIOSCAL.
>Computational Statistics and Data Analysis: 18, 331-340) and Canonical:
>RV coefficients calculates matrices of RV coefficents. This last option is
>a lightened version of the program ACT-STATIS centered on the
>investigation of the interstructure. The module form gives definitions and
>Thank you to H. Kiers for its theoretical indications reported
>in the module form.
>6) Processing of lists of occurrences. The module OccurData allows to
>approach ecological data when there are no longer samples, but solely
>lists of occurrences (for example the recording of collection copies, the
>plant collections,Š). OccurData: Read_Occur_File initiates procedures,
>OccurData: CANOCO-Classes analyzes the list of occurrences according to a
>partition (for example geographical), OccurData: CANOCO-Table analyzes the
>list of occurrences when one has
>environmental records associated to each occurrence, OccurData:
>CANOCO-Subspace makes the same thing by using projeciton. The form Thema49
>gives reasons for the choice of CANOCO as title of these analyses because
>proposed analyses are true canonical analyses. This allows to indicate in
>the form Thema4A when and why canonical correspondence analysis is a
>canonical analysis. These innovations are part of the thesis of C.
>Gimaret. OccurData: Array_to_Occur allows to transform the
>species-by-samples tables in list of occurrences and to see that to choose
>the CA and the CCA in ecology it is essentially considered that the
>statistical unit is rather the occurrence of a taxon than the sample
>itself. Such tools were formerly introduced by Green, R.H. 1971. A
>multivariate statistical approach to the Hutchinsonian niche: bivalve
>Molluscs of Central Canada. Ecology: 52, 543-556.
>7) Analysis of the match between K tables and one table. The module
>K+1 allows to introduce operators of co - inertia (X1, Y), (X2, Y),Š, (Xk,
>Y) in an analysis of multiple coinertia analysis what finds the analysis of
>concordances of Lafosse, R. & Hanafi, M. 1997. Concordance d'un tableau
>avec K tableaux: définition de K+1 uples synthétiques. Revue de
>Statistique Appliquée: (in press). With these implementations, ADE-4
>contains now a panoply complete enough of K-sets methods.
>Miscellaneous modifications:
>CategVar: Read Categ File
>files and moda.123 are in option
>COA: Internal COA
>formats of publishing were improved
>FilesUtil: Row_Duplicate
>to copy rows of a table in function of a qualitative variable (tsee the
>card of the pile info.hyp)
>Graph1D: Match_2_var
>to represent two numerical codes on one axis (example Thema49 p. 24)
>Graph1D: Between_Graph
>to represent a numerical code on one axis according to a partition (example
>Thema49 p. 26)
>Graph1D: Scal_2_scor
>to represent two numerical codes on one axis (after standardization)
>KTabUtil: MatchKTab-Tab
>to associate K-tables and one table
>Levels: Selected value
>to trace a level curve given its value
>Levels: Evenly spaced values
>to trace level curves evenly spaced
>OccurData: Rare_Species
>to extract rare species from a list of occurences
>Projectors: XY- > Orthonormal Basis - to get an orthonormal basis from
>polynomials in x and y and to introduce the spatial coordinates in
>canonical analyses (Wartenberg, D.E. 1985a. Canonical trend surface
>analysis: a method for describing geographic
>pattern. Systematic Zoology: 34 (3), 259-279)
>Scatters: Labels
>to trace a '+' sign in each point by typing value 3 in the dialogue box
>'Draw points'
> Sylvain Dolédec
> Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
> Bat 401C
> 69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX - France
> Tel : (33) 4 72 43 13 63
> Fax : (33) 4 72 43 11 41
>ADE-4 package is available on the Internet

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