Co-Inertia Analysis

From: Peter Burgherr (
Date: Wed Sep 22 1999 - 17:09:16 MET DST

I am using Co-Inertia Analysis (CIA) to study the co-structure between a
faunistic (22 taxa, 10 sampling stations, 4 dates) and an environmental
data set (14 parameters, 10 stations, 4 dates). I am able to run the
"standard" CIA, but in a next step, I would like to take into account the
spatial and temporal effects using between- and within- analyses.
Therefore, my question are:
1. How to arrange and prepare the data files?
2. How to run the different analyses?

Many thanks,

Peter Burgherr

Peter Burgherr

Department of Limnology

Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG)
Ueberlandstrasse 133
CH-8600 Duebendorf
phone : +41-1-823 5184
fax : +41-1-823 5315

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