capitales {ade4} | R Documentation |
This data set gives the road distances between 15 European capitals and their coordinates.
This list contains the following objects:
is dist object the road distances between 15 European capitals.
is a data frame containing the coordinates of capitals.
is a data frame containing three variables, designed to be used in area.plot function.
is a list of pixmap objects, each one symbolizing a capital
is a SpatialPolygons object containing the map
data(capitales) attr(capitales$dist, "Labels") index <- pmatch(tolower(attr(capitales$dist, "Labels")), names(capitales$logo)) w1 <- capitales$area if(adegraphicsLoaded()) { if(requireNamespace("sp", quiet = TRUE)) { g1 <- s.label(capitales$xy, lab = rownames(capitales$xy), pori.incl = F, plot = F) g2 <- s.logo(capitales$xy[sort(rownames(capitales$xy)), ], capitales$logo, Sp = capitales$Spatial, pback.col = "lightblue", pSp.col = "white", pgrid.draw = FALSE, plot = F) g3 <- table.value(capitales$dist, ptable.margin = list(b = 5, l = 5, t = 15, r = 15), ptable.x.tck = 3, ptable.y.tck = 3, plot = F) g4 <- s.logo(pcoscaled(lingoes(capitales$dist)), capitales$logo[index], plot = F) G <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2)) } } else { if(requireNamespace("pixmap", quiet = TRUE)) { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) s.label(capitales$xy, lab = attr(capitales$dist, "Labels"), include.origin = FALSE) area.plot(w1) rect(min(w1$x), min(w1$y), max(w1$x), max(w1$y), col = "lightblue") invisible(lapply(split(w1, w1$id), function(x) polygon(x[, -1], col = "white"))) s.logo(capitales$xy, capitales$logo, klogo = index, add.plot = TRUE, include.origin = FALSE, clogo = 0.5) # depends on pixmap table.dist(capitales$dist, lab = attr(capitales$dist, "Labels")) # depends on mva s.logo(pcoscaled(lingoes(capitales$dist)), capitales$logo, klogo = index, clogo = 0.5) # depends on pixmap par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) } }