skulls {ade4} | R Documentation |
This data set gives four anthropometric measures of 150 Egyptean skulls belonging to five different historical periods.
The skulls
data frame has 150 rows (egyptean skulls) and 4 columns (anthropometric measures).
The four variables are the maximum breadth (V1), the basibregmatic height (V2), the basialveolar length (V3)
and the nasal height (V4). All measurements were taken in millimeters.
The measurements are made on 5 groups and 30 Egyptian skulls. The groups are defined as follows :
1 - the early predynastic period (circa 4000 BC)
2 - the late predynastic period (circa 3300 BC)
3 - the 12th and 13th dynasties (circa 1850 BC)
4 - the Ptolemiac period (circa 200 BC)
5 - the Roman period (circa 150 BC)
Thompson, A. and Randall-Maciver, R. (1905) Ancient races of the Thebaid, Oxford University Press.
Manly, B.F. (1994) Multivariate Statistical Methods. A primer,
Second edition. Chapman & Hall, London. 1–215.
The example is treated pp. 6, 13, 51, 64, 72, 107, 112 and 117.
data(skulls) pca1 <- dudi.pca(skulls, scan = FALSE) fac <- gl(5, 30) levels(fac) <- c("-4000", "-3300", "-1850", "-200", "+150") dis.skulls <- discrimin(pca1, fac, scan = FALSE) if(!adegraphicsLoaded()) plot(dis.skulls, 1, 1)