ade4 dans
Analyses des Données Ecologiques :
méthodes Exploratoires et Euclidiennes en sciences de l'Environnement

ade4 downloads

ade4: Analysis of Environmental Data : Exploratory and Euclidean method

The ade4 package is available from the R web site: ade4

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("ade4") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

You can also use R and ade4 without installing anything on your computer : just use the Rweb interface.

The html documentation of the ade4 package for R is available on-line here: ade4html

adehabitat: Analysis of habitat selection by animals

The adehabitat package is available from the R web site: adehabitat

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("adehabitat") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

You can also use R and adehabitat without installing anything on your computer : just use the Rweb interface.

ade4TkGUI: ade4 Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface

The ade4TkGUI package is available from the R web site: ade4TkGUI

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("ade4TkGUI") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

ads: Spatial point patterns analysis

The ads package is available from the R web site: ads

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("ads") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

You can also use R and ads without installing anything on your computer : just use the Rweb interface.

adegenet: classes and methods for the multivariate analysis of genetic markers

The adegenet package is available from the R web site: adegenet

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("adegenet") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

You can also use R and adegenet without installing anything on your computer : just use the Rweb interface.

adephylo: exploratory analyses for the phylogenetic comparative method

The adephylo package is available from the R web site: adephylo

Note that you can also use the R command install.packages("adephylo") to install directly from your prefered CRAN archive.

You can also use R and adephylo without installing anything on your computer : just use the Rweb interface.