ade4 dans
Analyses des Données Ecologiques :
méthodes Exploratoires et Euclidiennes en sciences de l'Environnement

ade4 home page

ade4 is a software developed in the Biometry and Evolutionary Biology Lab (UMR 5558) - University Lyon 1. It contains Data Analysis functions to analyse Ecological and Environmental data in the framework of Euclidean Exploratory methods, hence the name ade4.

ade4 is characterized by :
    - the implementation of graphical and statistical functions
    - the availability of numerical data
    - the redaction of technical and thematic documentation
    - the inclusion of bibliographic references

functions, data, documentation and references in ade4 (OS : Debian with Emacs and ESS)

Since 2002, ade4 is a package of the R software, available for Windows, Mac OS, Linux et Unix OS.
One-table methods are described in Chessel et al. (2004) (pdf , html).
Two-table and K-table methods are described in Dray et al. (2007) (pdf , html).
The theory of the duality diagram and its implementation in ade4 are discussed in Dray et Dufour (2007) (pdf).

Other packages linked to ade4 are decribed in the downloads section, particularly the ade4TkGUI package providing a graphical user interface for ade4.

The old version of the software (ADE-4, in uppercase) presented in Thioulouse et al. (1997) (pdf , html) is available here but is no longer maintained.

A list of papers citing ade4/ADE-4 is available here.

References :
Shiny code snippets from the Springer book:
ade4 book :