Supplementary material for:

GC content evolution of the human and mouse genomes: insights from the study of processed pseudogenes in regions of different recombination rates. (Khelifi Adel, Meunier Julien, Duret Laurent, Mouchiroud Dominique).

Two compressed files (tar and gzip) are available for human and mouse.

Each compressed file contains:
  1. - a file containing information for each dataset (human_information.txt and mouse_information.txt).
  2. - a file containing alignements for processed pseudogenes in low recombinant region (homo_LR.mase and mouse_LR.mase).
  3. - a file containing alignements for processed pseudogenes in medium recombinant region (homo_MR.mase and mouse_MR.mase).
  4. - a file containing alignements for processed pseudogenes in medium recombinant region (homo_HR.mase and mouse_HR.mase).

Legend for human_information.txt and mouse_information.txt:
  1. - column 1: sequence name in HOPPSIGEN.
  2. - column 2: processed pseudogenes ancestral GC content (%).
  3. - column 3: processed pseudogenes present GC content (%).
  4. - column 4: recombination rate around processed pseudogenes (cM/Mb).
  5. - column 5: recombination rate categories (LR: low recombinant,MR: medium recombinant HR: highly recombinant).