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Predicted POL II Promoter Regions:

Results here show both predicted "Promoter Region", and if a TATA box is found, also a "CAP site" prediction. The Promoter Region is based upon the pattern of transcriptional elements, and if a TATA box is found in an appropriate position in that region, the CAP site is approximated from the location of the TATA box. Note that predicted promoter regions are usually exactly 250 bases; however, in the case that the region is at the extreme 3' end of the query sequence, in either orientation, the promoter region will be truncated since it will not go beyond the end of the input query sequence. Strand Promoter Region Score TATA Location CAP site (-) 3213 to 2964 8.87 (+) 1382 to 1631 12.14 1615 1645 (+) 2889 to 3138 9.81