Some references

Observation (dating from 23/02): This bibliography is not complete. All participants are quite welcome to send me other references should they wish to (or pointers to programs or web pages). Just send them to me at the address: Thanks in advance.

Achard F., Barillot E. (1997) Ubiquitous Distributed Objects with CORBA. in Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (Proceedings), pp. 39-52, World Scientific, Hawaii.

Achard F., Barillot E. (1998) Virgil: a database of rich links between GDB and Genbank. Nucleic Acids Research 26:100-101.

Achard F., Cussat-Blanc C., Viara E., Barillot E. (1998) The new Virgil database: a service of rich links. Bioinformatics 14:342-348.

Achard F., Vaysseix G., Dessen P., Barillot E. (1999) Virgil database for rich links (1999 update). Nucleic Acids Research 27:113-114.

Appel R. D., Hoogland C., Bairoch A., Hochstrasser D. F. (1999) Constructing a 2-D database for the World Wide Web. Methods Mol. Biol. 112: 411-416.

Attimonelli M., Altamura N., Benne R., Boyen C., Brennicke A., Carone A., Cooper J.M., D'Elia D., DeMontalvo A., de Pinto B., de Robertis M., Golik P., Grienenberger J. M., Knoop V., Lanave C., Lazowska J., Lemagnen A., Malladi B. S., Memeo F., Monnerot M., Pilbout S., Shapira A. H. V., Sloof P., Slonimski P., Stevens K., Saccone C. (1999) A comprehensive and integrated mitochondrial DNA database. Nucleic Acids Res. 27(1):128-133.

Attimonelli M., Cooper J. M., D'Elia D., de Montalvo A., de Robertis M., Lehväslaiho H., Malladi B. S., Memeo F., Shapira A. H. V., Stevens K., Saccone C. (1999) Update of the human MitBASE database. Nucleic Acids Res. 27(1):143-146.

Attimonelli M., Calo D., Cooper J. M., de Montalvo A., Licciulli F., Sasanelli D., Stevens K., Malladi B. S., Saccone C., Shapira A. H. V. (1998) The MitBASE human dataset structure. Nucleic Acids Res. 26(1):116-119.

Barillot E., Vaysseix G., Achard F., Viara E., Flores T., Rodriguez-Tomé P. (1996) Solutions to the interoperation of biological databases. in Human Genome Meeting (Proceedings), Heidelberg, Germany.

Barillot E., Guyon F., Cussat-Blanc C., Viara E., Vaysseix G. (1998) HuGeMap: a distributed and integrated Human Genome Map database. Nucleic Acids Research 26:106-107.

Barillot E., Pook S., Guyon F., Cussat-Blanc C., Viara E., Vaysseix G. (1999) The HuGeMap database: Interconnection and Visualisation of Human Genome Maps. Nucleic Acids Research 27:119-122.

Barillot E., Leser U., Lijnzaad P., Cussat-Blanc C., Jungfer K., Guyon F., Vaysseix G., Helgesen C., Rodriguez-Tomé P. (1999) A proposal for a CORBA interface for genome maps. Bioinformatics in press.

Bernard K., Auphan N., Granjeaud S., Victorero G. Schmitt-Verhulst A. M., Jordan B. R., Nguyen C. (1996) Multiplex Messenger Assay: simultaneous, quantitative measurement of expression for many genes in the context of T cell activation. Nucleic Acids Research 24:1435-1443.

Biaudet V., Samson F., Bessières P. (1997) Micado - a network-oriented database for microbial genomes. Comput. Applic. Biosci. 13:431-438.

Biaudet V., Samson F., Anagnostopoulos C., Dusko Ehrlich S., Bessières P. (1996) Computerized genetic map of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology 142:2669-2729.

Brun-Samarcq L., Philippi A., Gallina S., Demenais F., Vaysseix G., Ayme S., Barillot E. (1998) A proposal for a collaborative pedigree database. Seventh Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (Proceedings), 42, Arcachon, France.

Brun-Samarcq L., Gallina S., Philippi A., Demenais F., Vaysseix G., Barillot E. (1999) CoPE: a collaborative pedigree drawing environment. Bioinformatics in press.

Carone A., Malladi S. B., Attimonelli M., Saccone C. (1999) Vertebrate MitBASE : a specialised database on vertebrate mitochondrial DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 27(1):150-152.

Discala C., Ninnin M., Achard F., Barillot E., Vaysseix G. (1999) DBcat: a catalog of biological databases. Nucleic Acids Research 27:10-11.

Frishman D., Mewes H.-W. (1997) Protein structural classes in five complete genomes. Nature Struct. Biol. 4:626-628.

Frishman D., Mewes H.-W. (1997) PEDANTic genome analysis. Trends in Genetics 13:415-416.

Frishman D., Heumann K., Lesk A., Mewes H.-W. (1998) Comprehensive, comprehensible, distributed and intelligent databases: current status. Bioinformatics 14:551-561.

Hoogland C., Sanchez J. C., Tonella L., Bairoch A., Hochstrasser D. F., Appel R. D. (1999) The SWISS-2DPAGE what has changed during the last year. Nucleic Acids Research 27: 289-291.

Hoogland C., Sanchez J. C., Tonella L., Bairoch A., Hochstrasser D. F., Appel R. D. (1998) Current status of the SWISS-2DPAGE database. Nucleic Acids Research 26: 332-333.

Hoogland C., Baujard V., Sanchez J. C., Hochstrasser D. F., Appel R. D. (1997) Make2ddb: a simple package to set up a two-dimensional electrophoresis database for the World Wide Web. Electrophoresis 18: 2755-2758.

Hoogland C., Biemont C. (1997) DROSOPOSON: a knowledge base on chromosomal localization of transposable element insertions in Drosophila. Comput. Appl. Biosci. 13: 61-68.

Horn F., Weare J., Beukers M. W., Hörsch S., Bairoch A., Chen W., Edvardsen O., Campagne F., Vriend G. (1998) GPCRDBP: an information system for G protein coupled receptors. Nucleic Acids Research 26: 277-281.

Horn F., Bywater, R., Krause G., Kuipers W., Oliveira L., Paiva, A. C. M., Sander C., Vriend G. (1998) The interaction of class B G protein-coupled receptors with their hormones. Receptors and Channels 5:305-314.

Jordan B. R. (1998) Large-scale expression measurement by hybridisation methods: from high-density membranes to « DNA chips » (review). J. Biochem. 124:251-258

Jordan B. R. (1998) Voyage au pays des puces. in Médecine/sciences 10, pp. 1097-1102

Karp P. D., Paley S. (1996) Integrated access to metabolic and genomic data. Journal of Computational Biology 3(1):191-212.

Karp P. D., Krummenacker M., Paley S., Wagg J. (1999, in press) Integrated pathway/genome databases and their role in drug discovery. Trends in Biotechnology.

Karp P. D. (1999, in press) EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kunst F., Ogasawara N., Moszer I., et al. (1997) The complete genome sequence of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Nature 390:249-256.

Lacroix B., Codani J.-J., Gesnouin P., Viara E., Pook S., Vaysseix G., Cohen D., Barillot E. (1993) Environment for Généthon large scale physical mapping. in Genome Mapping & Sequencing (Proceedings), Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

Médigue C., Moszer I., Viari A., Danchin A. (1995) Analysis of a Bacillus subtilis genome fragment using a co-operative computer system prototype. Gene 165:GC37-51.

Médigue C., F. Rechenmann, Danchin A., Viari A. (1999) Imagene: an integrated computer environment for sequence annotation and analysis. Bioinformatics 15: 2-15.

Médigue C., Vermat T., Bisson G., Viari A., Danchin A. (1995) Cooperative computer system for genome sequence analysis. in Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (Proceedings) Cambridge, UK, pp. 249-258.

Médigue C., Willamowski J., Schmeltzer O., Uvietta P., Rechenmann F., Chevenet F., Perrière G., Gauthier G. (1993) Modeling tasks for problem solving in molecular biology. in Actes IJCAI Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence and Genome", Chambéry, France, pp. 67-76. (aussi rapport technique LAFORIA 93/30, Paris, France, 1993).

Mewes H.-W., Hani J., Pfeiffer F., Frishman D. (1998) MIPS: a database for protein sequences and complete genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 26:33-37.

Mewes H.-W., Heumann K., Kaps A., Mayer K., Pfeiffer F., Stocker S., Frishman D. (1999) MIPS: a database for genomes and protein sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 27:44-48.

Moszer I. (1998) The complete genome of Bacillus subtilis: from sequence annotation to data management and analysis. FEBS Lett. 430:28-36.

Moszer I., Glaser P., Danchin A. (1995) SubtiList: a relational database for the Bacillus subtilis genome. Microbiology 141:261-268.

Nguyen C., Rocha D., Granjeaud S., Baldit M., Bernard K., Naquet P., Jordan B. R. (1995) Differential gene expression in the murine thymus assayed by quantitative hybridization of arrayed cDNA clones. Genomics 29:207-215.

Perrière G., Bessières P., Labedan B. (1999) The Enhanced Microbial Genomes Library (EMGLib). Nucleic Acids Research 27:63-65.

Perrière G., Dorkeld F., Rechenmann F., Gautier C. (1993) Object-oriented knowledge bases for the analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. in First International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (Proceedings) Bethesda, USA, pp. 319-327.

Piétu G., Alibert O., Guichard V., Lamy B., Bois F., Leroy E., Mariage-Samson R., Houlgatte R., Soularue P., Auffray C. (1996) Novel gene transcripts preferentially expressed in human muscles revealed by quantitative hybridization of a high density cDNA array. Genome Res. 6:42-503.

de Pinto B., Malladi S., Altamura N. (1999) MitBASE Pilot: a database on nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and its regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Res. 27(1):147-149.

Pook S., Vaysseix G., Barillot E. (1998) Zomit: biological data visualisation and browsing. Bioinformatics 14:807-814.

Rechenmann F. (1993) Building and sharing large knowledge bases in molecular genetics. in First International Conference on Building and Sharing of Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases (KBKS) (Proceedings), Tokyo Japan, pp. 291-301.

Rechenmann F. (1995) Knowledge bases and computational molecular biology. in Nicolaas Mars (ed.) in Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases, Second International Conference on Building and Sharing Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases (KBKS) (Proceedings), Enschede, Holland, IOS press, pp. 7-12.

Riley M., Labedan B. (1997) Protein evolution viewed through Escherichia coli protein sequences: introducing the notion of a structural segment of homology, the module. J. Mol. Biol. 268:857-868.

Rodriguez-Tomé P., Barillot E., Flores T. (1996) Linking Molecular Biology Databases: a Test Case. in Theoretical and Computational Genome Research (Proceedings), Heidelberg, Germany.

Saccone C. (1994) The evolution of mitochondrial DNA. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 4(6):875-881.

Sbisa E., Tanzariello F., Reyes A., Pesole G., Saccone C. (1997) Mammalian mitochondrial D-loop region structural analysis: identification of new conserved sequences and their functional and evolutionary implications. Gene 205(1-2):125-140.

Tonella L., Walsh B. J., Sanchez J. C., Ou K., Wilkins M. R., Tyler M., Frutiger S., Gooley A. A., Pescaru I., Appel R. D., Yan J. X., Bairoch A., Hoogland C., Morch F. S., Hughes G. J., Williams K. L., Hochstrasser D. F. (1998) '98 Escherichia coli SWISS-2DPAGE database update Linking Molecular Biology Databases: a Test Case. Electrophoresis 19: 1960-1971.

Viara E., Pook S., Lacroix B., Tissot M., Atlan L., Cohen-Akenine A., Vaysseix G., Barillot E. (1994) The IDB database system and its use in the human genome project: HUGEMAP. in Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases (Proceedings), Stanford, California.

Viara E., Pook S., Guyon F., Cussat-Blanc C., Vaysseix G., Barillot E. (1998) Distributing and visualising biological objects at Infobiogen. in Objects In Bioinformatics (Proceedings), Hinxton.

You may consult also the OMG page, as well as the CORBA page at the EBI.

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