Object-based knowledge modeling : entities, relations and tasks


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Object-based knowledge modeling : entities, relations and tasks

Principles of knowledge-based systems

Classes and instances

Each slot has a type

Diapositive PPT

A type can be refined

A type can be refined

Procedural attachment and « lazy evaluation »

Classes and sub-classes

Classes and sub-classes

Classes and sub-classes


Classification mechanism

Diapositive PPT

Diapositive PPT

Diapositive PPT

Relations increase the modularity of data and knowledge bases

How knowledge on entities of the domain can help solving analysis problems on these entities ?

Problem solving

Problems and tasks

Tasks as objects

Task decomposition

Several operators

Data flow

Data flow and decomposition

Hierarchies of tasks

Task specialization and task decomposition

Diapositive PPT

Task specialization and task decomposition

The solving process can be displayed, explained, replayed


These technologies have been used in the ImaGene system

Messagerie: Francois.Rechenmann@inria.fr