Bibliographie sommaire

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Bachellier S., Clement J.-M., Hofnung M., Gilson E. (1997) Bacterial interspersed mosaic elements (BIMEs) are a major source of sequence polymorphism in Escherichia coli intergenic regions including specific associations with a new insertion sequence. Genetics. 145:551-562.

Bachellier, S., E. Gilson, M. Hofnung and C. W. Hill. (1996) Repeated sequences, pp. 2012-2040 in Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology, edited by F. Neidhardt et al. ASM Press, Washington, DC.

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Burge C., Karlin S. (1997) Prediction of complete gene structures in human genomic DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 268:78-94.

Burge C. B., Padgett R. A., Sharp P. A. (1998) Evolutionary fates and origins of U12-type introns. Molecular Cell. in press.

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Eichenberger P., Dethiollaz S., Buc H., Geiselmann J. (1997) Structural kinetics of transcription activation at the malT promoter of Escherichia coli by UV laser footprinting. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:9022-9027.

Flatters D., Lavery R. (1998) Sequence-dependent dynamics of TATA-Box binding sites. Biophys. J. 75:372-381.

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Gilson E., Saurin W., Perrin D., Bachellier S., Hofnung M. (1991) Palindromic units are part of a new bacterial interspersed mosaic element (BIME). Nucleic Acids Res. 19:1375-1383.

Gilson E., Saurin W., Perrin D., Bachellier S., Hofnung M. (1991) The BIME family of bacterial highly repetitive sequences. Res. Microbiol. 142:217-222.

Gilson E., Bachellier S., Perrin S., Perrin D., Grimont P. A., Grimont F., Hofnung M. (1991) The BIME family of bacterial highly repetitive sequences. Res. Microbiol. 141:1103-1116.

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Guigó R. (1998) DNA composition, codon usage and exon prediction. In M. Bishop, ed. Nucleic Acid and Protein Databases Academic Press, in press.

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Kolb A., Busby S., Buc H., Garges S., Adhya S. (1993) Transcriptional regulation by cAMP and its receptor protein. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 62:749-795 .

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Lavigne M., Kolb A., Buc H. (1992) Transcription activation by cAMP receptor protein (CRP) at the Escherichia coli gal P1 promoter. Crucial role for the spacing between the CRP binding site and the -10 region. Biochemistry 31:9647-9656.

Lavigne M., Kolb A., Yeramian E., Buc H. (1994) CRP fixes the rotational orientation of covalently closed DNA molecules. EMBO J. 13:4983-4990.

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Reinert G., Schbath S. (1998) Compound Poisson and Poisson process approximations for occurrences of multiple words, and application to stem-loop motifs in DNA sequences. to appear in J. Comp. Biol.

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Sharp P. A., Burge C. B. (1997) Classification of introns: U2-type or U12-type. Cell. 91:875-879

Sharples G.J. and Lloyd R.G. (1990) A novel repeated DNA sequence located in the intergenic regions of bacterial chromosome. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 6503-6508.

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Tolstrup N., Rouzé P., and Brunak S. (1997) A branch-point consensus from Arabidopsis found by non-circular analysis allows for better prediction of acceptor sites. Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3159-3163.

Wang Y.P., Kolb A., Buck M., Wen J., O'Gara F., Buc H. (1998) CRP interacts with promoter-bound sigma54 RNA polymerase and blocks transcriptional activation of the dctA promoter. EMBO J . 17:786-796.

Wu H.-J., Gaubier-Comella P., Delseny M., Grellet F., Van Montagu M., Rouzé P. (1996) Non-canonical introns are at least 109 years old. Nature Genet. 14:383-384.

Zhang A., Rimsky S., Reaban M.E., Buc H., Belfort M. (1996) Escherichia coli protein analogs StpA and H-NS: regulatory loops, similar and disparate effects on nucleic acid dynamics. EMBO J. 15:1340-1349.

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