Softwares available at the site of the Institut Pasteur concerning phylogeny

Thanks to Catherine Letondal, a number of softwares concerning phylogeny are
available at the site of the Institut Pasteur. Some are directly accessible through the web. Among all these, the following softwares were installed by Catherine, or a newer version was recovered, in prevision of the seminars that are going to take place on the 8th and 9th of April 1998:
BIONJ (accessible through the WEB) [02 Apr 1998]:
Version: 3.b.
Phylogenetic construction using the neighbor-joining method. This version performs a more accurate calculation of the distances. (Gascuel O.)
SplitsTree (local acces only) [02 Apr 1998]:
Version: 1
A software for analyzing and visualizing evolution data (Dress A. W. M., Huson D. H., Moulton V.).
PUZZLE (local access only) [02 Apr 1998] :
Version : 4.0.
Topology search using a test of maximum likelihood. Likelihood maps (Strimmer K. et Häseler A. v.)
PAUP (GCG) (local access only) [02 Apr 1998] :
PAUP (GCG) is a version inside GCG of this phylogenetic analyzer that uses a parcimonious method for tree construction.
If you wish to obtain further information about these softwares, or to submit a new one not yet available, please send a message to:

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