Softwares available at the site of the Institut Pasteur concerning protein structures

Thanks to Louis Jones, a number of softwares concerning
protein structure analysis and prediction are available at the site of the Institut Pasteur. Thanks to Catherine Letondal, some are directly accessible through the web. Among all these, the following softwares were installed, a newer version was recovered or a page web was created, in prevision of the seminars that are going to take place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of September 1998:
ASC (local access only) [14 May 1998] :
Version : 2.12.
The program package ASC/GM is designed for molecular-mechanical calculations in conjunction with surface computations (F. Eisenhaber).
NNSSP (web page available) [23 June 1998] :
Version : nnssp
Program for the prediction of protein secondary structure that combines multiple sequence alignment with a nearest-neighbor algorithm (A.A. Salamov, V.V. Solovyev).
Predator (web page available) [14 May 1998] :
Version : 2.1.2.
Program for secondary structure prediction (D. Frishman, P. Argos).
ProFit (local access only) [14 May 1998] :
New version : 1.8.
Algorithm for protein least squares fitting (A.C.R. Martin).
Stride (web page available) [14 May 1998] :
Version : 1.0.
Program for recognizing secondary structure elements in proteins from their atomic coordinates (D. Frishman, P. Argos).
If you wish to obtain further information about these softwares, or to submit a new one not yet available, please send a message to:

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