DeCo - Evolution of gene neighborhoods

How to use DeCo

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If you are lucky the executable program works on your system. Download it, type > chmod +x DeCo
and try
> DeCo DeCo.conf_example
If it does not work you will need to download the source C++ program. Its compilation requires that Bio++ is installed (see the installation intructions) and that you know in which directory it is installed. Then unpack Deco by typing
> tar -zxvf DeCo.tar.gz
> cd DeCo
Then edit the makefile file and go to the line
CFLAGS1 = -O3 -I/usr/include/Bpp/ -L/usr/lib
Change the two /usr in the options to the directory in which Bio++ is installed on your system (it can be /usr/local or somewhere in your home directory for example.
Then type
> make
And you should get the executable file, try
> DeCo DeCo.conf_example

You have to prepare four input files:

Then you have to prepare a configuration file. It is a set of lines where each line has two words separated by a space. The first four lines are compulsory and tell where your input files are:
Additional lines are optional:
exp_name NAME will tag the output files of your run
directory DIR_NAME will place the output file in directory DIR_NAME
OUTPUT_FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT = 0 or 1, for Newick or NHX, according to your favorite format for the output reconciliated gene tree files
sep CHARACTER choose a character which doesn't appear in your dataset (gene names or species names), by default |, this separator is used to annotate trees nodes in the program
Adj_percentage NUMBER NUMBER is between 0 and 1 and is the probability of taking an adjacency when taking it or not has the same score. Default is 0
Crea COST Cost of an adjacency gain, by default 1
Break COST Cost of an adjacency breakage, by default 1
An example of configuration file can be found here.

Or simply
> DeCo
if your configuration file is called DeCo.conf and it is in the current directory.

DeCo, while running, outputs several information on the screen. At the end of execution, DeCo generates six output files:

Page hosted by the PRABI and LBBE, Last modification July 2012

Contact: Severine dot Berard at univ-montp2 dot fr, or Eric dot Tannier at inria dot fr