A typical survival bioassay consists in exposing a group of individuals
to a certain concentration of a contaminant, and reporting the number of
survivors at each time-point. This bioassay is generally replicated
in order to assess the variability of the measured effect. In the end,
there is
thus one measurement for each triplet (replicate, dose, time).
Following this description, MOSAICsurvival expects the data from a
bioassay formated as a tabular text file. Each line of the table
corresponds to a time-point
for a given replicate and a given contaminant concentration, and provides the
corresponding number of surviving individuals. Hence it should contain
the following four columns:
- replicate a number or a string unique for each
- conc the dose of the contaminant
- time the time of the measurement
- Nsurv the number of survivors
Please note that the order of the column should be
respected and
that the first line of the file should contain the columns heading. Finally,
the columns should be separated by a single tabulation character.
Here is example of the first lines of a data file:
replicate conc time Nsurv
A 0 0 20
B 0 0 20
C 0 0 20
A 1.25 7 18
B 1.25 7 19
C 1.25 7 17
A 5 7 19
B 5 7 18
C 5 7 15
A 10 7 2
B 10 7 2
C 10 7 3
Note that datasets following the format required by MOSAICrepro can
be used as-is in MOSAICsurvival. Example datasets compatible with both
applications are available on our website (copper, chlordan, zinc, cadmium-1, cadmium-2).