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class Parti_simp

module parti_simp

The documentation is here.

This class represents maximal predictive partitionings [Gué00, Gué01], ie a list of Partition of increasing number of segments, computed on a data using a Lexique.

A partitioning in n segments, or n-partitioning, is a list of partitions from 1 up to n segments classes.

A Parti_simp is made of


Optional keyword fic allows construction by reading from a filename in specific format;
builds from a filename in specific format; if a Partition in the file has no name, its new name is the string of its index in the list;
builds a random partitioning in a given number of classes on a given data-length, using build_random;
computes the maximal predictive partitioning of a given number of classes with Lexique on a data; the names of the Partitions are their numbers of segments;


returns the length of the data of the first Partition;
returns the number of Partition;
returns the Partition of a given number;
removes the Partition of a given number;
returns a Parti_simp made of the selected partitions;
removes the Partition of indexes between given numbers;
appends a Partition to the end of self. Data length of this Partition must be equal to the one of self; if this new Partition has no name, it gets the length of the Parti_simp as name, using method s_name.
inserts a Partition before given index. Data length of this Partition must be equal to the one of self; if this new Partition has no name, it gets the length of the Parti_simp as name, using method s_name.
returns a Parti_simp made of the partitions on which a given function returns True;
returns a new Parti_simp by clustering the Segment of its Partition given their descriptors numbers, using group.
returns the list of the values of the Partition, using val;
computes the list of predictions of the partitions on a data by a Lexique, using prediction;
returns, for each number n of segments, the number of same-descriptor positions between the n-partitions of both Parti_simp, using pts_comm;


Specific format is:
lines of outputs of Partition in specific format
MAX(min-max number of classes) —> maximum value
<0-3637>6:-9127: ---> -9127
<0-2845>7:-6194: XXX <2846-3637>3:-2920: ---> -9114
<0-2505>7:-6234: XXX <25006-3349>1:-2139: XXX <3350-3637>51:-721: ---> -9094
MAX(366) ---> -8685
outputs in specific format;
outputs in specific format, without the descriptors patterns (see abr).

Graphical output

Horizontal axis represents the data. On each line is the number of segments and the graphical output of the corresponding Partition, where each segment is drawn by an arc. The height of each arc is optionaly computed by a given function on the segments (here their lengths).

Here, only the segments which descriptors numbers are between 30 and 44 are drawn, and their descriptors numbers are written above them.
draws in postscript language in file of given name;

Optional keywords:
draws only segments which numbers are in list l;
if equals 1, the numbers of the descriptors are written;
the height of each arc is proportional to value of function f computed on the corresponding Segment.

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