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4  Usage of Lexique and Parti_simp

We give several examples of Lexique, to show how use its specific syntax. These examples are used on the DNA sequence of λ−phage, in file lambda.seq, which is known to show strong signals of segmentation [Chu92, Chu89, Gué00].

In connection with Lexique, we give examples of computation and manipulation of partitionnings.

  1. We load the sequence.
    import sequence s=sequence.Sequence(fic="lambda.seq")
  2. We want to part this sequence such that a segment is described by a letter, and its value is the number of occurences of this letter.
    print s.alpha() import lexique lx1=lexique.Lexique() lx1.read_str('0:a 1:c 2:g 3:t') print lx1 import parti_simp ps1=parti_simp.Parti_simp() ps1.mpp(s,lx1,100)
  3. We draw the even-numbered partitions.
    ps1.filter(lambda x: len(x)%2==0).draw_nf("")
  4. We cluster the segments described by c or g, and the ones described by a or t, and sort the new Parti_simp following the number of segments. We draw the 20 first partitions of this new Parti_simp.[[1,2],[0,3]]) ps2.sort() ps2[:20].draw_nf("",seg=[1,2])
  5. We want to partition on comparing the occurences in c and g versus the ones in a and t.
    lx2=lexique.Lexique(str="0:+(cg) 1:+(at)") ps2=parti_simp.Parti_simp() ps2.mpp(s,lx2,20) ps2[:20].draw_nf("",num=1)

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