x----SPAM----x re [14]

From: Ferdinand Parham (kexjzmfmwh@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 23 2006 - 20:35:37 MET

  • Next message: Darren Bruner: "x----SPAM----x fwd: Read this ASAP"

    ""Yes. in 1974 Those who say I remember giving him a bath.

    He huddled by the occasional table, shivering all over, staring at them with rolling eyes. A toaster, or maybe a heating pad. September 21st, 1978. "Suddenly her face broke apart. We both knew someone would. She cleaned; she cooked ambitious meals (although everything she cooked came out tasting strangely industrial, as if years of eating in hospital cafeterias had somehow corrupted any culinary talent she might once have had); each afternoon she bundled Paul up in a huge blue blanket, jammed a green hunting cap on his head, and rolled him out onto the back porch. "The dreaded effword was out before he could help it, but this time it didn't seem to matter — she was looking at him respectfully, and with not a little awe. I'm afraid


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