x----SPAM----x Success, wife-bound

From: Pearlie Hodges (PearlieHodges@0-cash.com)
Date: Sat Jul 15 2006 - 11:43:44 MEST

  • Next message: Claudette David: "Voice phone number"

    Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate
    and want IMMEDIATEZ cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish
    to LOWER your monthly paym ents by a third or more, here are the dea ls
    we have TODAY (hurry, these ofers will expre TONIGHT):

    $488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rateP
    $372,000.00 at a 3.90,% variable-rateB
    $492,000.00 at a 3.21,% interest-onlyC
    $248,000.00 at a 3.36,% fixed-rateX
    $198,000.00 at a 3.55,% variable-rate4

    Hurry, when these deals are gone, they are gone Simply fill out this one-min ute form...

    Don't worry about approval, your cre dit will not disqualify you!


    grass started again. It was dead, prickly, dry, but it was real and it
    bullet. In case of an accident like Father's."

         He laughed a happy laugh, crouched down, and beat both fists as hard as
    realizing it, he recorded somewhere in his nervous system the essential

    heaps surrounded them, and that mountains hid in the gloom beyond. And he
    him, enveloping his body like a sheet soaked in boiling water. Sweat poured
    had been washed away, his face--also contrary to expectation --turned out to
    to do, don't suddenly be afraid of the dirt. If I tell you to, drop your

    and leave all his filth behind. That's what you deserve, he told himself.
    hills. Everything became harsh and in high relief, he could see things as

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