ChestVolume: An R Package for Analyzing Chest Expansion Using 3D Coordinate Data


ChestVolume is an R package designed for analyzing chest expansion using 3D marker coordinate data collected from motion capture systems. The package allows users to process marker data, adjust marker positions, calculate convex hull volumes of chest segments, and visualize chest movements in both 2D and 3D.

This tool is particularly useful for respiratory health research, enabling detailed assessments of chest expansion and identifying potential asymmetries in breathing patterns.

Key Features


To install ChestVolume from GitHub, use the following commands:

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

Getting Started

Here is a quick example demonstrating how to use ChestVolume to process 3D marker data, adjust marker positions, and calculate chest segment volumes.

# Load the package

# Example sample input data 

# Step 1: Process the marker data and convert from mm to cm
processed_data <- process_marker_data(sample_data, convert_to_cm = TRUE)

# Step 2: Adjust the marker positions by moving them 1 cm toward the chest center
adjusted_data <- adj_position(processed_data, distance = 1)

# Step 3: Define the chest segments (example with one segment)
segments <- list(
  left = c("M01", "M02", "M03", "M04","M05", "M06","M07", "M08",
  "M09", "M10", "M11","M12", "M13","M14", "M15","M16", "M17","M18")

# Step 4: Calculate the chest segment volumes
volumes<- calculate_volumes(adjusted_data, segments)

# Step 5: Visualize the chest expansion in 3D
plot_chest_3d(adjusted_data, segments, selected_segment = 'left')

# Step 6: Plot the chest volume changes over time
plot_2d_volume(volumes, 'Segment')

Shiny App

For users who prefer a graphical interface, the ChestVolume Shiny app allows you to interact with the data without programming knowledge.

Access the Shiny app online: Source Code: The source code for the Shiny app is available at


This package is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it.