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Beta-Select Demonstration: Logistic Regression by glm()


1 Introduction

This article demonstrates how to use glm_betaselect() from the package betaselectr to standardize selected variables in a model fitted by glm() and forming confidence intervals for the parameters. Logistic regression is used in this illustration.

2 Data and Model

The sample dataset from the package betaselectr will be used for in this demonstration:

#>   dv    iv   mod  cov1 cat1
#> 1  1 16.67 51.76 18.38  gp2
#> 2  1 17.36 56.85 21.52  gp3
#> 3  1 14.50 46.49 21.52  gp2
#> 4  0 16.16 48.25 16.28  gp3
#> 5  0  9.61 42.95 15.89  gp1
#> 6  0 13.14 48.65 21.03  gp3

This is the logistic regression model, fitted by glm():

glm_out <- glm(dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1,
               data = data_test_mod_cat_binary,
               family = binomial())

The model has a moderator, mod, posited to moderate the effect from iv to med. The product term is iv:mod. The variable cat1 is a categorical variable with three groups: gp1, gp2, gp3.

These are the results:

#> Call:
#> glm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, family = binomial(), 
#>     data = data_test_mod_cat_binary)
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> (Intercept) 24.36566    9.83244   2.478 0.013209 *  
#> iv          -1.83370    0.67576  -2.714 0.006657 ** 
#> mod         -0.52322    0.19848  -2.636 0.008385 ** 
#> cov1        -0.02286    0.06073  -0.376 0.706562    
#> cat1gp2      0.89002    0.36257   2.455 0.014100 *  
#> cat1gp3      1.28291    0.34448   3.724 0.000196 ***
#> iv:mod       0.03815    0.01364   2.797 0.005163 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 415.03  on 299  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 390.91  on 293  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 404.91
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

3 Problems With Standardization

In logistic regression, there are several ways to do standardization (Menard, 2004). We use the same approach in linear regression and standardize all variables, except for the binary response variable.

First, all variables in the model, including the product term and dummy variables, are computed:

data_test_mod_cat_binary_z <- data_test_mod_cat_binary
data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$iv_x_mod <- data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$iv *
data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$cat_gp2 <- as.numeric(data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$cat1 == "gp2")
data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$cat_gp3 <- as.numeric(data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$cat1 == "gp3")
#>   dv    iv   mod  cov1 cat1 iv_x_mod cat_gp2 cat_gp3
#> 1  1 16.67 51.76 18.38  gp2 862.8392       1       0
#> 2  1 17.36 56.85 21.52  gp3 986.9160       0       1
#> 3  1 14.50 46.49 21.52  gp2 674.1050       1       0
#> 4  0 16.16 48.25 16.28  gp3 779.7200       0       1
#> 5  0  9.61 42.95 15.89  gp1 412.7495       0       0
#> 6  0 13.14 48.65 21.03  gp3 639.2610       0       1

All the variables are then standardized:

data_test_mod_cat_binary_z <- data.frame(scale(data_test_mod_cat_binary_z[, -5]))
data_test_mod_cat_binary_z$dv <- data_test_mod_cat_binary$dv
#>   dv         iv        mod       cov1   iv_x_mod    cat_gp2    cat_gp3
#> 1  1  0.8347403  0.4632131 -0.7895117  0.8142500  1.4553064 -0.9591663
#> 2  1  1.1648852  1.6757589  0.7727941  1.6887948 -0.6848501  1.0390968
#> 3  1 -0.2035415 -0.7922125  0.7727941 -0.5160269  1.4553064 -0.9591663
#> 4  0  0.5907202 -0.3729432 -1.8343660  0.2283915 -0.6848501  1.0390968
#> 5  0 -2.5432642 -1.6355154 -2.0284103 -2.3581688 -0.6848501 -0.9591663
#> 6  0 -0.8542619 -0.2776547  0.5289948 -0.7616218 -0.6848501  1.0390968

The logistic regression model is then fitted to the standardized variables:

glm_std_common <- glm(dv ~ iv + mod + cov1 + cat_gp2 + cat_gp3 + iv_x_mod,
                      data = data_test_mod_cat_binary_z,
                      family = binomial())

The “betas” commonly reported are the coefficients in this model:

glm_std_common_summary <- summary(glm_std_common)
             digits = 5,
             zap.ind = 1,
             P.values = TRUE,
             has.Pvalue = TRUE,
             signif.stars = TRUE)
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> (Intercept) -0.11220    0.12083 -0.9284 0.353184    
#> iv          -3.83240    1.41234 -2.7135 0.006657 ** 
#> mod         -2.19640    0.83316 -2.6362 0.008385 ** 
#> cov1        -0.04600    0.12206 -0.3765 0.706562    
#> cat_gp2      0.41590    0.16942  2.4547 0.014100 *  
#> cat_gp3      0.64200    0.17239  3.7242 0.000196 ***
#> iv_x_mod     5.41270    1.93542  2.7967 0.005163 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

However, for this model, there are several problems:

4 Beta-Select by glm_betaselect()

The function glm_betaselect() can be used to solve these problems by:

We call the coefficients computed by this kind of standardization betas-select (βsSelect, βSelect in singular form), to differentiate them from coefficients computed by standardizing all variables, including product terms.

4.1 Estimates Only

Suppose we only need to solve the first problem, standardizing all numeric variables except for the response variable (which is binary), with the product term computed after iv and mod are standardized.

glm_beta_select <- glm_betaselect(dv ~ iv*mod + cov1 + cat1,
                                  data = data_test_mod_cat_binary,
                                  skip_response = TRUE,
                                  family = binomial(),
                                  do_boot = FALSE)

The function glm_beta_iv_mod() can be used as glm(), with applicable arguments such as the model formula and data passed to glm().

By default, all numeric variables will be standardized before fitting the models. Terms such as product terms are created after standardization.

For glm(), standardizing the outcome variable (dv in this example) may not be meaningful or may even be not allowed. In the case of logistic regression, the outcome variable need to be 0 or 1 only. Therefore, skip_response is set to TRUE, to request that the response (outcome) variable is not standardized.

Moreover, categorical variables (factors and string variables) will not be standardized.

Bootstrapping is done by default. In this illustration, do_boot = FALSE is added to disable it because we only want to address the first problem. We will do bootstrapping when addressing the issue with confidence intervals.

The summary() method can be used ont the output of glm_betaselect():

#> Waiting for profiling to be done...
#> Call to glm_betaselect():
#> betaselectr::lm_betaselect(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, 
#>     family = binomial(), data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, skip_response = TRUE, 
#>     do_boot = FALSE, model_call = "glm")
#> Variable(s) standardized: iv, mod, cov1 
#> Call:
#> stats::glm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, family = binomial(), 
#>     data = betaselectr::std_data(data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, 
#>         to_standardize = c("iv", "mod", "cov1")))
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate CI.Lower CI.Upper Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> (Intercept)   -1.158   -1.783   -0.584      0.304  -3.807  < 0.001 ***
#> iv             0.140   -0.125    0.409      0.136   1.027  0.30449    
#> mod            0.194   -0.080    0.474      0.141   1.376  0.16878    
#> cov1          -0.046   -0.287    0.193      0.122  -0.376  0.70656    
#> cat1gp2        0.890    0.193    1.620      0.363   2.455  0.01410 *  
#> cat1gp3        1.283    0.625    1.981      0.344   3.724  < 0.001 ***
#> iv:mod         0.335    0.108    0.578      0.120   2.797  0.00516 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 415.03  on 299  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 390.91  on 293  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 404.9
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> Transformed Parameter Estimates:
#>             Exp(B) CI.Lower CI.Upper
#> (Intercept)  0.314    0.168    0.558
#> iv           1.150    0.882    1.506
#> mod          1.214    0.923    1.607
#> cov1         0.955    0.751    1.213
#> cat1gp2      2.435    1.213    5.052
#> cat1gp3      3.607    1.868    7.251
#> iv:mod       1.398    1.114    1.782
#> Note:
#> - Results *after* standardization are reported.
#> - Standard errors are least-squares standard errors.
#> - Z values are computed by 'Estimate / Std. Error'.
#> - P-values are usual z-test p-values.
#> - Default standard errors, z values, p-values, and confidence intervals
#>   (if reported) should not be used for coefficients involved in
#>   standardization.
#> - Default 95.0% confidence interval reported.

Compared to the solution with the product term standardized, the coefficient of iv:mod changed substantially from 5.413 to 0.335. Similar to the case of linear regression (Cheung et al., 2022), the coefficient of standardized product term (iv:mod) can be substantially different from the properly standardized product term (the product of standardized iv and standardized mod).

4.2 Estimates and Bootstrap Confidence Interval

Suppose we want to address both the first and the second problems, with

We can call glm_betaselect() again, with additional arguments set:

glm_beta_select_boot <- glm_betaselect(dv ~ iv*mod + cov1 + cat1,
                                       data = data_test_mod_cat_binary,
                                       family = binomial(),
                                       skip_response = TRUE,
                                       bootstrap = 5000,
                                       iseed = 4567)

These are the additional arguments:

This is the output of summary()

#> Call to glm_betaselect():
#> betaselectr::lm_betaselect(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, 
#>     family = binomial(), data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, skip_response = TRUE, 
#>     bootstrap = 5000, iseed = 4567, model_call = "glm")
#> Variable(s) standardized: iv, mod, cov1 
#> Call:
#> stats::glm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, family = binomial(), 
#>     data = betaselectr::std_data(data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, 
#>         to_standardize = c("iv", "mod", "cov1")))
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate CI.Lower CI.Upper Std. Error z value Pr(Boot)    
#> (Intercept)   -1.158   -1.869   -0.598      0.322  -3.598   <0.001 ***
#> iv             0.140   -0.134    0.420      0.142   0.982    0.336    
#> mod            0.194   -0.083    0.486      0.145   1.337    0.169    
#> cov1          -0.046   -0.287    0.193      0.122  -0.376    0.699    
#> cat1gp2        0.890    0.193    1.722      0.386   2.306    0.012 *  
#> cat1gp3        1.283    0.644    2.063      0.362   3.542   <0.001 ***
#> iv:mod         0.335    0.109    0.597      0.124   2.700    0.004 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 415.03  on 299  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 390.91  on 293  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 404.9
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> Transformed Parameter Estimates:
#>             Exp(B) CI.Lower CI.Upper
#> (Intercept)  0.314    0.154    0.550
#> iv           1.150    0.875    1.521
#> mod          1.214    0.920    1.625
#> cov1         0.955    0.750    1.213
#> cat1gp2      2.435    1.213    5.596
#> cat1gp3      3.607    1.904    7.867
#> iv:mod       1.398    1.115    1.816
#> Note:
#> - Results *after* standardization are reported.
#> - Nonparametric bootstrapping conducted.
#> - The number of bootstrap samples is 5000.
#> - Standard errors are bootstrap standard errors.
#> - Z values are computed by 'Estimate / Std. Error'.
#> - The bootstrap p-values are asymmetric p-values by Asparouhov and
#>   Muthén (2021).
#> - Percentile bootstrap 95.0% confidence interval reported.

By default, 95% percentile bootstrap confidence intervals are printed (CI.Lower and CI.Upper). The p-values (Pr(Boot)) are asymmetric bootstrap p-values (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2021).

4.3 Estimates and Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, With Only Selected Variables Standardized

Suppose we want to address also the the third issue, and standardize only some of the variables. This can be done using either to_standardize or not_to_standardize.

For example, suppose we only need to standardize iv and cov1, this is the call to do this, setting to_standardize to c("iv", "cov1"):

glm_beta_select_boot_1 <- glm_betaselect(dv ~ iv*mod + cov1 + cat1,
                                         data = data_test_mod_cat_binary,
                                         to_standardize = c("iv", "cov1"),
                                         skip_response = TRUE,
                                         family = binomial(),
                                         bootstrap = 5000,
                                         iseed = 4567)

If we want to standardize all variables except for mod (dv is skipped by skip_response) we can use this call, and set not_to_standardize to "mod":

glm_beta_select_boot_2 <- glm_betaselect(dv ~ iv*mod + cov1 + cat1,
                                         data = data_test_mod_cat_binary,
                                         not_to_standardize = c("mod"),
                                         skip_response = TRUE,
                                         family = binomial(),
                                         bootstrap = 5000,
                                         iseed = 4567)

The results of these calls are identical, and only those of the first version are printed:

#> Call to glm_betaselect():
#> betaselectr::lm_betaselect(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, 
#>     family = binomial(), data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, to_standardize = c("iv", 
#>         "cov1"), skip_response = TRUE, bootstrap = 5000, iseed = 4567, 
#>     model_call = "glm")
#> Variable(s) standardized: iv, cov1 
#> Call:
#> stats::glm(formula = dv ~ iv * mod + cov1 + cat1, family = binomial(), 
#>     data = betaselectr::std_data(data = data_test_mod_cat_binary, 
#>         to_standardize = c("iv", "cov1")))
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate CI.Lower CI.Upper Std. Error z value Pr(Boot)    
#> (Intercept)   -3.460   -7.063   -0.061      1.798  -1.924   0.0460 *  
#> iv            -3.832   -6.807   -1.171      1.431  -2.678   0.0044 ** 
#> mod            0.046   -0.020    0.115      0.035   1.339   0.1692    
#> cov1          -0.046   -0.287    0.193      0.122  -0.376   0.6988    
#> cat1gp2        0.890    0.193    1.722      0.386   2.306   0.0120 *  
#> cat1gp3        1.283    0.644    2.063      0.362   3.542   <0.001 ***
#> iv:mod         0.080    0.027    0.140      0.029   2.767   0.0040 ** 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 415.03  on 299  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 390.91  on 293  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 404.9
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> Transformed Parameter Estimates:
#>             Exp(B) CI.Lower CI.Upper
#> (Intercept)  0.031    0.001    0.941
#> iv           0.022    0.001    0.310
#> mod          1.047    0.980    1.122
#> cov1         0.955    0.750    1.213
#> cat1gp2      2.435    1.213    5.596
#> cat1gp3      3.607    1.904    7.867
#> iv:mod       1.083    1.027    1.150
#> Note:
#> - Results *after* standardization are reported.
#> - Nonparametric bootstrapping conducted.
#> - The number of bootstrap samples is 5000.
#> - Standard errors are bootstrap standard errors.
#> - Z values are computed by 'Estimate / Std. Error'.
#> - The bootstrap p-values are asymmetric p-values by Asparouhov and
#>   Muthén (2021).
#> - Percentile bootstrap 95.0% confidence interval reported.

For betas-select, researchers need to state which variables are standardized and which are not. This can be done in table notes.

4.4 Categorical Variables

When calling glm_betaselect(), categorical variables (factors and string variables) will never be standardized.

In the example above, the coefficients of the two dummy variables when both the dummy variables and the outcome variables are standardized are 0.416 and 0.642:

printCoefmat(glm_std_common_summary$coefficients[5:6, ],
             digits = 5,
             zap.ind = 1,
             P.values = TRUE,
             has.Pvalue = TRUE,
             signif.stars = TRUE)
#>         Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> cat_gp2  0.41587    0.16941  2.4547 0.014100 *  
#> cat_gp3  0.64201    0.17239  3.7242 0.000196 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

These two values are not interpretable because it does not make sense to talk about a “one-SD change” in the dummy variables.

5 Conclusion

In generalized linear modeling, there are many situations in which standardizing all variables is not appropriate, or when standardization needs to be done before forming product terms. We are not aware of tools that can do appropriate standardization and form confidence intervals that takes into account the selective standardization. By promoting the use of betas-select using glm_betaselect(), we hope to make it easier for researchers to do appropriate standardization when reporting generalized linear modeling results.


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