This package expands on Xing
et al (2021). It adds capabilities to customize parameter values
using functions and shows the results of habitat connectivity risk index
in the form of plots. The goal of geohabnet
is to enable
users to visualize a habitat connectivity risk index using their own
parameter values. The risk analysis outputs 3 maps -
Mean habitat connectivity (based on a habitat connectivity index defined by the user)
Difference in habitat connectivity
Variance in habitat connectivity
This package currently supports crop maps sourced from
. This analysis produces the 3 maps
listed above. There are multiple ways in which functions can be used -
generate the final outcome and then the intermediate outcomes for more
sophisticated use cases. The vignettes provide several examples. The
output values are propagated to other functions for performing
operations such as distance matrix calculation. The values are set in
and it can be accessed using
. See the usage below.
Package can either be installed from CRAN:
#> Installing package into '/private/var/folders/r5/zggvft9d3yn5kh51wqp78rd00000gn/T/RtmpBU77e3/temp_libpath4f5365f57439'
#> (as 'lib' is unspecified)
#> The downloaded binary packages are in
#> /var/folders/r5/zggvft9d3yn5kh51wqp78rd00000gn/T//RtmpBqmkXl/downloaded_packages
or the source version of package can be installed from GitHub with:
if (!require("devtools")) {
::install_github("GarrettLab/HabitatConnectivity", subdir = "geohabnet") devtools
<- geohabnet::get_parameters()
param_file # now edit the file
::set_parameters(new_params = param_file) geohabnet
Run the analysis using -
::sensitivity_analysis() geohabnet
stores the parameter and its values. It
can be accessed and set using get_parameters()
respectively. By default risk analysis is
run on global index, for which scales are present in
Refer to help using ?geohabnet::fun or help(geohabnet::fun)
Refer to article Analyzing risk index using cropland connectivity for more elaborate description and usages of functions in this package.