MacMul 4 - GraphMu 5

Here are the new versions of MacMul and GraphMu, two Macintosh programs for multivariate data analysis and graphical display. These versions have been completely re-written in C with Metrowerks CodeWarrior compiler. All the code of these programs comes from ADE-4 modules (in fact MacMul 4 and GraphMu 5 are just big ADE-4 modules). To download everything, just click here

There are 3 versions, to be used according to the model of your Macintosh:

The "(68k NoFPU)" versions should be used on usual Macintosh without FPU (Floating Point Unit, i.e., without the MC68881/68882 math co-processor). Note that these versions can in fact be used on any model, including all PowerBooks, Quadras and PowerMacs, but they will run more slowly. Click here to download these versions

The "(68k FPU)" versions should be used only on Macintosh having a FPU. They will not run on other models. They run about 3 times faster than the NoFPU version. Click here to download these versions

The "(PPC)" versions should be used only on PowerMacs. They will not run on other models. They run about 10 times faster than the NoFPU versions on the same PowerMac (using 68k emulation). Click here to download these versions

In the Utils floder that come with these versions, you will find 4 utility applications:

  • ADEBin can be used to view the contents of data files (binary files) created by MacMul (and by ADE-4 modules). Clicking on a binary file will automatically launch this application and display the contents of the file. You can also drag and drop data files on its icon.

  • ADEPict does the same thing for PICT files created by GraphMu 5 and ADE modules.

  • ADETrans is a drag and drop only application that transforms a batch of files from text to MacMul/ADE binary format and conversly.

  • ADEScatters is an interactive factor map application. It can be used to draw factor maps (with the factor score files created by MacMul), and the user can perform interactive operations (like zooming) with combinations of mouse clics and keystrokes:

      Command - option - click : zoom out

      Command - shift - click : zoom in

      Command - drag : zoom on selected zone

      Command - click : rescale to default min/max

      Command - option - drag : list of objects (rows or columns) inside the selected zone

      Control - clic on one object : object profile (bar chart with object data)

      Control - shift - clic on one object : object profile (biplot map with object data)

      "Find" and "Find label..." options in Edit Menu to look for an object on the factor map

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