How to obtain ADE-4 on CD-ROM ?

The whole topics documentation (seven volumes, but only two are in English) with detailed examples of use, the modules documentation (eight volumes, most of them in English), and a version of ADE-4 on CD-ROM are available.

The new version of the CD-ROM also contains the R software and the ade4 package for R.

The CD-ROM (software and documentation) is charged 38.11 €
The paper documentation alone is charged 152.45 €

Personal Currency Assistant

This price is not the price of the ADE-4 software, which is free. It is a participation to the CD production costs.

Purchase orders must be labelled to the order of UMR CNRS 5558 and sent to:

Jean Michel Olivier
Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Fluviaux
UMR CNRS 5023 - Universite Lyon 1
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex - France
Fax: (33) 72 43 11 41 - Phone: (33) 72 43 13 19


New Burn your own ADE-4 CD for free...

You can get an image of the current CD here : ADE4.img (right click, save as...) and use this image to burn a CD of ADE-4. Please use re-writable CDs (CD-RW), to avoid wasting CD, as the versions of R and of the ade4 package follow one another very fast.

Please note that the size of this image is 561 276 928 bytes
md5 checksum = b069f2d02386c243e3df745ab01c973f

This image can be used to burn a HFS/ISO hybrid CD containing the MacOS and Windows versions of R (2.0.1), the ade4 package (1.3-3) for R, and the ADE-4 software. The procedure to burn the CD is described here.

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