RLQ graphics; sorry I forgot....

From: Byungok Ahn (byungok.ahn@uni-essen.de)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 01:54:11 MEST

Unfortunately I have forgotten to write the following question:

The graphics (Fig. 1, 2, 3) presented in Barbaro et al. (2000): Résponses fonctionnelles des.....- Can. J. Bot. 78: 1010-1020 seem to be an alternative to plot the results of RLQ analysis.

Can anyone please point me how these graphics can be made?


Byungok Ahn
University of Essen
Institute of Ecology
Department of Hydrobiology
D-45117 Essen
Phone: +49/2 01/1 83-43 93
Fax: +49/2 01/1 83-44 42

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