ADE4 for MacOS X (2)

From: Jean Thioulouse (
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 20:33:35 MEST


There is a new version of ADE4 for MacOS X on the Web server. I have
corrected a few bugs, added the possibility to copy/paste graphics
among ADE4-Graph graphic windows, and I have added a Data folder to
the distribution. This folder contains all the data sets of the MetaCard
Data stack. This allows to redo very easily all the examples that are in
the documentation files, and makes the MetaCard interface almost obsolete
for ADE4 on MacOS X (which is a good thing, because MetaCard has been
purchased by Runtime Revolution, and we do not know what will happen to
our licence).


Jean Thioulouse - IRD - UR IBIS  - 01 BP182 - Ouagadougou 01 - Burkina Faso
"Interactions Biologiques dans les sols des Systèmes Anthropisés Tropicaux"
Tel: (226) 30 67 37  / Home: (226) 63 82 94             Fax: (226) 31 03 85

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