x----SPAM----x re[10]:

From: Thaddeus Beck (pdeex@hotmail.com)
Date: Sat Apr 15 2006 - 01:02:25 MEST

  • Next message: Gwendolen Lindsey: "x----SPAM----x complimentary formulae"

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    The language of the book had grown florid and overblown again — it was not self-parody yet, not quite, but it was floating steadily in that direction and he seemed helpless to stop it. Paul guessed her fury would follow. Annie. Mutt and Jeff. It was killing them. Annie, he guessed, had gotten as casually catch-as-catch-can about showering as she had about changing her calendars. The thought that grieving for a fictional character was absurd did more than cross his mind during his tossings and turnings. inept trustee montrachet academy lavabo navigate clarinet glottal holyoke ancient striptease bangle paraphrase athena adonis advertise retract pamphlet rest evensong oxen aerogene


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