Doc thÈmatique d'ADE-4

From: Daniel Chessel (
Date: Sun Mar 10 1996 - 14:04:11 MET


Vous trouverez sur le serveur Web l'intégralité de la documentation
thématique complète d'ADE-4. Le sommaire est disponible ci-dessous.
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Toutes les remarques sur le contenu, le fonctionnement du serveur,
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Volume 1 ADE User's Guide

1-1 ADE QuickStart
This volume is an introductory description of the ADE-4 package
installation and basic use. A short description of the function of
computation and graphic modules is also given. The appendices describe the
compatibility of ADE with Mac computers as well as current startup error
Rev. 95-04. 29 pages.

1-2 HyperCard user interface
This volume initiates the user to the ADE HyperCard interface. A catalog
of all possible manipulations is described. The HyperCard user interface
should be used in the case of intensive data analyses.
Rev. 95-04. 34 pages.

1- 3 Starting ADE with the user interface
This volume initiates the user to the basic manipulations of ADE program
library and its HyperCard interface. The interest of the ADE interface
relies on its capacity to enable the simultaneous management of the data
sets and modules archives.
Rev. 95-04. 22 pages.
Volume 2 Starting Ordination

2-1 Introduction to Linear Data Analysis
This volume describes the main features of the mathematical model
associated with the linear multivariate methods incorporated into ADE-4
software. The main characteristics of statistical computation for one-table
analysis are incorporated. ADE-4 is a data analysis package designed for
descriptive statistics, which is useful for large data sets to investigate
the structure or the organisation of data. Several illustrations of that
volume are part of papers from Chessel & Thioulouse (1990), Thioulouse et
al. (1991), Dolédec & Chessel (1991), and Chevenet et al. (1994).
Rev. 95-02. 31 pages.

2-2 Principal components analysis
This volume describes the computation and usual graphical display of a
normalised principal components analysis (PCA) processed on physical and
chemical data (Carrel et al., 1986). Alternative computation and graphical
representations (canonical graphs, cartography of scores, data
reconstitution) also are presented.
Rev. 95-02. 36 pages.

2-3 Correspondence analysis
This volume describes the computation and usual graphical display of a
correspondence analysis processed on bird count data.
Rev. 95-02. 18 pages.

2-4 Multiple correspondence analysis
This is an introduction to the analysis of tables containing categorical
(qualitative) data. In this case, values are represented by modalities.
These modalities can be ordered resulting in an ordinal coding. In this
volume we perform a multiple correspondence analysis on a data set dealing
with cat's fecundity (Pontier, 1984).
Rev. 95-02. 14 pages.

2-5 Fuzzy correspondence analysis
The paper deals with the multiple correspondence analysis extended to fuzzy
coded disjunctive arrays. The example concerns aquatic Coleoptera species
and was treated in the paper by Chevenet et al. (1994).
Rev. 95-02. 20 pages.

2-6 Between- and within-groups principal components analyses
In this volume, the statistical analysis of a multivariate environmental
array is described. Quantitative variables collected at s locations for t
sampling dates are analysed. To have a distinct view of the respective
influence of the seasonal succession and the sample location on the
variability of the measures, principal components analyses were used on
tables from the linear model of variance analysis in a two-way layout with
one observation per cell (Dolédec & Chessel, 1987). Moreover, this volume
introduces to the use of multivariate techniques using projection onto a
Rev. 95-02. 27 pages.

Fascicule 3 Ordination Spatiale

3-1 Grilles de mesures
La fiche décrit le mode d'emploi des modules de traitement d'une grille de
mesure. Elle suit une consultation de C. Julliot. On décrit les fonctions
de modules anciens en QuickBasic (LatticePrep) et en Fortran (GNDEN) et de
nouveaux ouils graphiques (Maps pour la cartographie par valeurs, Levels
pour la cartographie par courbes de niveaux).
Rev. 95-03. 27 pages.

3-2 Autocorrélation Spatiale Multidimensionnelle
La fiche donne quelques illustrations des notions de variance locale et
d'autocorrélation spatiale rendues cohérentes par l'usage d'une pondération
adéquate des données (Faraj, A., 1993 - Analyse de contiguité: une analyse
discriminante généralisée à plusieurs variables qualitatives. Revue de
Statistique Appliquée : 41, 73-84). La théorie est précisée dans
Thioulouse, J. Chessel, D. & Champely, S., 1995 - Multivariate analysis of
spatial patterns: a unified approach to local and global structures.
Environmental and Ecological Statistics : 2, 1-14.
( L'usage des modules de
cartographie est décrit (surfacique, par valeurs et par courbes de niveau)

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