bpp-seq3  3.0.0
AlphabetExceptions.h File Reference
#include <Bpp/Exceptions.h>
#include "Alphabet.h"
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
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class  bpp::AlphabetException
 The alphabet exception base class. More...
class  bpp::BadCharException
 An alphabet exception thrown when trying to specify a bad char to the alphabet. More...
class  bpp::BadIntException
 An alphabet exception thrown when trying to specify a bad int to the alphabet. More...
class  bpp::AlphabetMismatchException
 Exception thrown when two alphabets do not match. More...
class  bpp::CharStateNotSupportedException
 Exception thrown in case no character is available for a certain state in an alphabet. More...


 This alphabet is used to deal NumericAlphabet.