Rearranged Oriloc output example: Previous Index Next

Archaea; Nanoarchaeota; Nanoarchaeum.
Genome size (bp): 490885
Number of genes 535
Oriloc predictions: Origin NA Terminus NA
Worning et al., 2006: Origin 387 kb Terminus 83 kb
Position(s) of the ORC/Cdc6 gene(s): NA
Consensus predictions: Origin NA Terminus NA
Significant breakpoints (p-value <0.05):
Breakpoints P-value Chromosome coordinate (kb)
GC-skew forward280.0466748
From (index/coord) To (index/coord) StrandSlope
GC-skew forward 1 (0 kb)28 (47.892 kb) NA-0.028
29 (50.218 kb)256 (486.962 kb) NA0.065