Determinants of CpG islands: expression in early embryo and isochore structure

This document contains the datasets used in the study realized by Ponger, Duret and Mouchiroud.

Ponger, Duret, L. and Mouchiroud, D. (2001) Determinants of CpG islands: expression in early embryo and isochore structure.

The datasets:

Informations about the 865 human genes (full dataset, one line per gene): Seq_information.txt,
Informations about the 367 human genes with a known orthologue in the mouse (one line per gene): Seq_orthol_information.txt,
Informations about the 1846 complete CpG islands (one line per CGI): CGI_information.txt,
Informations about the 1723 ALUs detected in the complete CGIs (one line per ALU): CGI_ALU_information.txt,

The software:

Sources of the program used to search CGIs (in C language): cpg_islands.c ,
Note: options used to search CGIs are:
inputfile outputfile 500 1 0.5 0.6 0.0 500 -test -group 200
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