Exercise 4 - Multiple Sequence Alignment

Aim: compare vertebrate insulins to search for conserved domains in the proteins

1- Align insulin sequences

We will use a version of CLUSTAL locally installed on your computers. The steps required to align the sequences are the following:

2- Look at the alignement and save it

Start the SeaView program: type seaview in the command shell. Now load the alignment produced by ClustalX with the Open Clustal option from the File menu. Then, the first thing to do is to save that file in a format usable by the Phylo_win program (we will need it in Exercise 5). To do that, use the Save as... option of the File menu. Give to the saved file a name with the extension .mase in a way to differenciate it from the file generated by ClustalX.

3- Sequences conservation and domains

Now, check the position of insulin chains A, B and peptide C in the alignement: compare the sequence conservation of the three domains among species. What can you say?

4- SeaView use to alignment editing

See how you can use SeaView to edit the alignment.

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