Exercise 5 - Molecular Phylogenies

Aims: compute different phylogenies and interpret the results

1- Insulin phylogeny

Starts the Phylo_win: in the command shell, type:


Open the multiple alignment containing vertebrate insulin proteins in MASE format that you previously created during Exercise 4.

Compute the molecular phylogeny of vertebrate insulin proteins using the Neighbour-Joining (NJ) method and the Poisson distance. Bootstrap the tree with 500 replicates. The correspondence between SWISS-PROT sequences and species names is available here.

Identify the different gene duplication in the tree. In which species did they occur? Does the tree correspond to the expected vertebrate phylogeny?

2- Universal phylogeny

File 28sfrags.mase contains a set of prealigned rRNA sequences from the large (LSU) and the small (SSU) subunits:

3- A 250 MY old bacterium: is it possible?

Vreeland et al. have published the isolation of a 250 million years-old bacterium from a salt crystal. Their data are reproduced in a file of aligned bacterial 16S rRNA sequences: permians.mase. The results of Vreeland et al. have been severely critized by Graur and Pupko, who concluded that the isolated bacterium is most probably recent in age.

4- The evolutionary origins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses

Gao et al. have published a phylogenetic analysis of the pol gene of HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses and of their simian homologs (SIV).

File hivpol.mase contains public protein sequences with which it is possible to attempt to reproduce their results. Sequence FIV/Oma (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is used as an outgroup for the analysis. File hivpol-dna.mase reproduces the same alignment at the DNA level:

File hivpol.pdf contains the (nearly) complete article by Gao et al. (there is a problem with its first page!)

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