Implementing the covarion model into a molecular phylogeny reconstruction algorithm

Philippe Lopez
Équipe Phylogénie et Évolution Moléculaires
Université de Paris-Sud
UFR d'Orsay
15, rue Georges Clémenceau
91405 Orsay cedex

Properly reconstructing molecular phylogenies requires a good understanding of the way proteins and nucleotidic sequences evolve. Because any inadequation of the sequence evolution model can seriously flaw the reconstructed phylogeny [1], there is a strong need for one that would best fit the observed data, and also that would not be too heavy to implement in an algorithm. Up to now, reconstruction methods have relied on increasingly sophisticated models, from "independent and equivalent" sites to gamma-law distributions of substitution rate. However, all these models assume that the substitution rate of a position remains constant throughout time. Besides being biologically unsound, this hypothesis has now been demonstrated wrong [2,3], meaning that a position can undergo drastic changes in its substitution rate among lineages. The pioneering analyses of Fitch [4,5] led him to postulate the existence of covarions, i.e. concomitant sets of variable codons. These covarions have now been formalized by assuming a position can switch between "on" and "off" states, which defines if the position can vary or not [6]. The open question is now to implement this feature, even in a simplistic way, into a reconstruction algorithm. Especially, in a maximum likelihood perspective, this sums up to adding a few new parameters to a gamma-law model, namely the frequency of this switching and the initial state of the parameter. However, this is not a simple task and the best way to accomplish it shall be discussed here. Even though we still don't know much about the covarion model properties, such a model would at least be much closer to the observed data, and certainly would open the way to more reliable phylogenies.

1. Lockhart P.J. et al. (1996) Evolution of chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll: the problem of invariant sites in sequence analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:1930-1934
2. Lopez P., Forterre P. and Philippe H. (1999) The root of the tree of life in the light of the covarion model. J. Mol. Evol. in press
3. Lockhart P.J. et al. (1998) A covariotide model explains apparent phylogenetic structure of oxygenic photosynthetic lineages. Mol. Biol. Evol. 15:1183-1188
4. Fitch W.M. (1971) The nonidentity of invariable positions in the cytochromes c of different species. Biochem. Genet. 5:231-41
5. Fitch W.M. (1971) Rate of change of concomitantly variable codons. J. Mol. Evol. 1, 1:84-96
6. Tuffley C. and Steel M. (1998) Modeling the covarion hypothesis of nucleotide substitution. Math Biosci. 147:63-91

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