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The life of a BAOBAB in Lyon, France

Marie-France Sagot (ex BCC-IME student, class of 1991)

This talk will present an overview of the research activities of the BAOBAB team. It will also serve to place in context three other talks from members of the team that will follow this one, one the same day and two the day after.

The BAOBAB team is part of two distinct bigger French research structures, the HELIX project of the INRIA, the national institute of research in computer science, and the Laboratoire de Biometrie et Biologie Evolutive" (LBBE) which is a laboratory affiliated to both the CNRS and the "Universite Claude Bernard" (Lyon I). The LBBE is composed mainly of biologists, bio-mathematicians and bio-informaticians.

The BAOBAB team mirrors this multidisciplinarity in a perhaps starker way. Its members come thus from mathematics, statistics, (theoretical) computer science and biology (molecular biology, evolution, biochemistry). The team has a number of objectives that reflect its varied backgrounds yet common passion for biology.

Through it's head, the team has been collaborating with the IME for many years. Since January of this year, the DCC-IME is an official research partner of BAOBAB-HELIX, with support from both the INRIA and the FAPESP for developing its collaboration. It is in the context of this partnership that the talks and visits of seven members of BAOBAB to the IME are taking place.

For more information on the activities of BAOBAB, you may consult this site.
For information on the partnership between BAOBAB and the DCC-IME, you may consult this site.

PS: BAOBAB stands for "Biologie et Algorithmie Ou Bien Algorithmie et Biologie".

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