CLEAR_QUERY : To clear the type-in box of the Query panel.

EXEC_QUERY : To execute the query composed in the type-in box at right.

Potential error messages appear in the Status box below.
The result of the query appears as a new list placed in panel Currents lists above.
Species lists and keyword lists are flagged with Sp and Kw, respectively.
Sequence lists are not flagged.

SELECT_TYPE_IN : Type-in box to be loaded with a multi-criterion query.

This box may be typed in directly if the correct syntax is known.
It may also be filled by steps using alternatively buttons of the Selection criteria (completing each operation by the build query button) and of the Selection operators panels.

SELECT_BY_NAME : Fast sequence access from their names or accession numbers.

This procedure also allows to build species or keyword lists by entering species names or keywords (but not both).