Problem avec les donnees pour ACM

From: ZHANG De-Xing (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 05:18:48 MEST

Bonjour tout le monde,

Pouriez vous m'aider en l'issue ci-desous SVP: J'ai du mal de faire une
Analyse ACM sur un groupe de donnees. En effet, le programme
'TestToBin-BlocTo1Categ' ne travaille pas correctement. Il concerne une
matrice de donnees de 26x319 (26 especes, 8 variables, totalement 319
categories). Est-ce que les donnees sont trop grandes?

Merci d'avance pour vos remarques.


Dear All,

I have been trying to carry out a MCA analysis on some population genetic data, but failed with a large data set. I wonder whether this is due to the data set is too large? Has anyone ever had similar problem? Your help is gratefully appreciated. The data table concerned has 26 rows and 319 columns, with 8 blocks each having some 16-70 categories. Could you please help me on this? Thank you very much. (The 'TextToBin-BlocTo1Categ' progran only recognised 7 blocks, and data in the related files are truncated.)

Yours sincerely, De-Xing ZHANG ---------------------------------- De-Xing Zhang PO Box 70 Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences 25 Beisihuan-Xi Road Beijing 100080 P. R. China

Tel: (+86) 010 6261 2962 Fax: (+86) 010 6261 2962 E-mail: ---------------------------------- 中国科学院动物研究所70号信箱 北京市海淀区中关村路19号 邮政编码:100080 ----------------------------------

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