Rearranged Oriloc output example: Previous Index Next

Bacteria; Chloroflexi; Dehalococcoidetes; Dehalococcoides.
Genome size (bp): 1395502
Number of genes 1458
Oriloc predictions: Origin 0 kb Terminus 724 kb
Worning et al., 2006: Origin 1 kb Terminus 725 kb
Position of the first peak in DnaA box distribution (Mackiewicz et al., 2004): 852.281 kb
Position(s) of the dnaA gene(s) (Mackiewicz et al., 2004): 0.93 kb
Consensus predictions: Origin 0 kb Terminus 724 kb
Significant breakpoints (p-value <0.05):
Breakpoints P-value Chromosome coordinate (kb)
GC-skew forward3610696
GC-skew reverse10500.00667660
AT-skew forward620.03333151
AT-skew reverse10710721
From (index/coord) To (index/coord) StrandSlope
GC-skew forward 1 (0 kb)361 (696.4655 kb) leading0.053
362 (697.701 kb)708 (1395.47 kb) lagging-0.112
GC-skew reverse 709 (0 kb)1050 (659.93 kb) leading0.143
1051 (661.281 kb)1458 (1395.47 kb) lagging-0.04
AT-skew forward 1 (0 kb)62 (150.968 kb) leading-0.109
63 (151.5415 kb)376 (720.0955 kb) leading-0.199
377 (720.621 kb)708 (1395.47 kb) lagging-0.028
AT-skew reverse 709 (0 kb)1071 (720.7535 kb) leading0.04
1072 (728.918 kb)1458 (1395.47 kb) lagging0.181
More T than A on the leading strand for replication.
More G than C on the leading strand for replication.