
Inria Associated Team ALEGRIA

Coordinators: (France) ERABLE INRIA, (Brazil) Instituto de Biologia Molecular do Paraná - Fiocruz-PR, Paraná
Duration: 2015-2017

Brief description
Soon available.

H2020-MSCA-ETN-2014 project MicroWine

Coordinator: Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Department of Environmental Science - Enviromental microbiology and biotechnology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Danemark
Duration: 2015-2018

Brief description
A diverse, complex, and poorly characterised community of microorganisms lies at the heart of the wine. These microorganisms play key roles at all stages of the viniculture and vinification processes, from helping the plants access nutrients from the soil, driving the plants’ health through protection against pathogens, to the fermentation process that transforms the must into wine with its complex array of aromas and flavours. The main aim of MicroWine is to gain an improved understanding of such microbial community and of its interplay with the wine.

FP7 KBBE project BacHBerry

Coordinators: Jochen Forster, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability (CFB), Copenhagen, Danemark
Duration: 2013-2016

Brief description
The main objective of BacHBerry is to develop innovative methodologies for tapping the commercial potential of plant metabolites, namely phenolic compounds in berry fruits, overcoming current scientific and technological barriers in the field of bio-industry, for the generation of bacterial platforms for sustainable, bio-based production of the desired plant metabolites.

INRIA International Partnership AMICI

Coordinators: (France) BAMBOO INRIA, (Netherlands) Free University and CWI Amsterdam, (Italy) Universities of Florence, Pisa and Rome
Duration: 2012-2015

Brief description
AMICI is an INRIA International Partnership that includes five partners, one in France (EPI BAMBOO), three in Italy and one in the Netherlands. The main project in common that gathered together all four International Partners with the EPI BAMBOO previous to this International Partnership is the INRIA Associated Team SIMBIOSI that started in January of 2009 and will end in December of 2011. The three coordinators of SIMBIOSI are Marie-France Sagot for the INRIA, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela (University of Rome) and Leen Stougie (Free University of Amsterdam and CWI). Nadia Pisanti and Roberto Grossi have been collaborating since the PhD of Nadia Pisanti in 2002. Pierluigi Crescenzi joined the Associated Team early on in its creation (in mid-2009) and has been a frequent visitor of Lyon, often for long visits of up to one month, as well as participant in all the meetings of SIMBIOSI. He is also since March 2011 co-supervisor of two PhD student (Gustavo Sacomoto and Beatrice Donati) with Marie-France Sagot (PhDs funded by the ERC AdG Sisyphe). The SIMBIOSI meetings have been very regular, at a rate of 4 or 5 per year, in general for one week each time. The meetings involve the senior researchers but also younger ones as well as PhD students and postdocs. They have been complemented by weekly, sometimes daily audio/visio work meetings.

CNRS Laboratoire International Associé LIRIO

Coordinators: (France) BAMBOO-BAOBAB LBBE and (Brazil) Labinfo LNCC
Duration: 2012-2015

Brief description
The LIA LIRIO builds upon a strong collaboration between the team of a French-Brazilian researcher with a background in discrete mathematics and algorithmics for the life sciences who has made her scientific career in France, since 2001 in the Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive UMR 5558, and the team of a Brazilian researcher with a background in genetics and bioinformatics, and extensive national and international links in the area of bioinformatics. The research that will be conducted in the LIA will concern putting together all the activities currently conducted by each team separately or that each team has already planned to do, but also new research that the synergy between the two teams will enable to address in future. This synergy represented by the LIA should also allow us to apply for other sources of funding to support the research we wish to develop. Initially, this research will be concentrated on two main axes, one strongly concerned with the host-parasite relationship and the second with micro-environmental genomics and systems biology. Both address complex systems by a broad variety of experimental, bioinformatic and algorithmic approaches that reflect the complementarity of the two teams involved (biology including experimental part for the Brazilian team, algorithmics for the French one) while bioinformatics is a common language between the two. Besides fundamental issues, the two axes may have also important health-related implications. The topics in these two axes belong to one of the five “thématiques au cœur de l’INEE”, namely “Biodiversité et écologie fonctionnelle”, and cover three “thèmes d‘interface”, namely “Biodiversité, structure, dynamique et fonctionnalité”, “Mécanismes d’adaptation et d’évolution” and “Environment et santé”. Training will represent another key aspect of the LIA, and will aim at extending the already intensive exchanges of researchers, Master and PhD students between the two French and Brazilian partners of the LIA. The bioinformatic aspect of the two axes of research, both sequencing and data analysis, will also greatly benefit from an interaction between the platforms with which each partner is involved in her own country.

ERC Advanced Grant SISYPHE

Coordinator: BAMBOO (sole partner)
Duration: 2010-2015

Brief description
Symbiosis, or at least its extent, role and precise nature are controversial but symbiosis appears also essential to understand some of the most fundamental evolutionary and functional questions related to living organisms. Nevertheless, although symbiotic relationships have been studied by biologists since probably the early 19th century, they remain little studied by computational biologists. Yet the enormous variety in the observed types of pair- and multi-wise symbiotic relations, and the fact that these relationships touch upon almost every aspect of biology, from molecular to ecological, raise formidable mathematical and computational issues. Addressing some of the main such issues to arrive at a better understanding of the processes of “acquisition and maintenance of one or more organisms by another” and of the (co)evolution of “novel structures and metabolism” with which such processes are associated is the purpose of this project. The approach proposed blends a mathematical (combinatorial, statistical) exploration of the huge variety of genomic and biochemical landscapes observed in the symbiont world, and at the interface between symbionts and hosts or of both and their environment, together with wet-lab experiments.


Coordinator: BAMBOO (sole partner)
Duration: 2009-2012

Brief description
MIRI served as starting point for SISYPHE. Its main topic are a subset of the ones addressed by SISYPHE