Students and Postdocs

PhD students

PhD students in co-supervision with another country

  • Mattia Gastaldello (co-supervised with Tiziana Calamoneri, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
  • André Veríssimo (co-supervised with Susana Vinga, IDMEC, IST, Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Alex di Genova (co-supervised by Alejandro Maass, CMM University of Chile, Santiago, and Eric Goles, University Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile)


Ex-students (Masters, PhD, sandwich PhD) or postdocs who remain collaborators

  • Nadia Pisanti (PhD defended in 2001, then post-doc for 9 months, currently Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Laurent Marsan (PhD defended in 2002, currently Associate Professor at IUT Versailles)
  • Estela Maris Rodrigues (PhD defended in 2003, currently Associate Professor at Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Julien Allali (PhD defended in 2004, currently Associate Professor at the LABRI, University of Bordeaux)
  • Raquel Tavares (Post-doc for 2 years, currently Associate Professor at University Lyon 1)
  • Susana Vinga, Lisbon, Portugal (PhD defended in 2005, supervisor: Jonas de Almeida, currently Associate Professor at the INESC-IST, Lisbon)
  • Jeane C. B. de Melo (PhD defended in 2005, co-supervised with Kátia Guimarães, University of Pernambuco, Brazil, currently Professor at the Federal Agricultural University of Recife)
  • Said Sadique Adi (PhD defended in 2005, co-supervised with Carlos Eduardo Ferreira, University of São Paulo, Brazil, currently Professor at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil)
  • Pierre Peterlongo (PhD defended in 2006, co-supervised with Maxime Crochemore and Nadia Pisanti, currently CR2 in the Symbiose INRIA Project-Team, Rennes)
  • Yoan Diekmann (pre-Master student, co-supervised with Eric Tannier and Julien Allali; currently is doing his PhD in the PDBC, Gulbenkian Institute, Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Steffen Heyne (Erasmus student, co-supervised with Julien Allali, now doing his PhD in the group of Rolf Backofen, Freiburg University, Germany
  • Alexis Gambis (DEA University of Marne-la-Vallée defended in 2004; returned to the US for a PhD at Rockfeller University, New York)
  • Eric Tannier (Postdoc for one year starting June 2003, currently CR1 INRIA)
  • Patricia Thébault (Postdoc for two years starting September 2005, now Associate Professor at University of Bordeaux)
  • Cinzia Pizzi (Postdoc for one year until Dec. 2007, now Postdoc at Padova University, Italy)
  • Vincent Lacroix (PhD defended in 2007, University of Lyon 1, CNRS BDI scholarship, was Postdoc at Centre de Regulació Genòmica for 14 months before doing 9 months of postdoc back in the team; currently Associate Professor in BAMBOO)
  • Paulo Gustavo Fonseca (Postdoc for one year after part of his PhD done in the team and defended in 2008, currently Associate Professor at INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
  • Claire Lemaitre (PhD defended in 2008, University of Lyon 1, co-supervised with Christian Gautier, currently CR2 in the Symbiose INRIA Project-Team, Rennes)
  • Florence Cavalli (University of Lyon 1, co-supervised with Cristina Vieira, is doing her PhD at the EBI, Cambridge)
  • Marc Deloger (PhD defended in 2009, University of Lyon 1, co-supervised with Cristina Vieira. Now postdoc at the INRA of Versailles)
  • Marília Dias Vieira Braga (PhD Defended in 2009, AlBan and University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Eric Tannier, now postdoc at University of Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Ludovic Cottret (PhD defended in 2009, University of Lyon 1, co-supervised with Hubert Charles, INSA Lyon, now postdoc at the INSA Toulouse)
  • Augusto Vellozo (Currently on his way back to Brazil)
  • Amélie Véron (Now postdoc at the INSERM UMR590, Lyon)
  • Nuno Mendes (PhD defended in 2011, IST at Lisbon-Portugal and University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Ana Teresa Freitas. Has a postdoc at the IGC, Oeiras, Portugal)
  • Alexandra Carvalho, (PhD defended in 2011, IST, Lisbon, Portugal, co-supervised with Arlindo Oliveira. Has a position in academia in Lisbon)
  • Vicente Acuña (PhD defended in 2010, then post-doc for 18 months, currently postdoc at the Center for Mathematical Modelling and Center for Genome Regulation, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile)
  • Alexandre Freire, USP, São Paulo, Brazil (PhD defended in Brazil, supervisor: Carlos Eduardo Ferreira, sandwich PhD CNPq scholarship, currently Associate Professor at USP-Leste)
  • Patricia Simões (PhD defended in 2012, FCT, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Sylvain Charlat, Génétique et Évolution des interactions Hôtes-Parasites, University of Lyon I, now working at Inserm in Lyon)
  • Matteo Brilli (Now postdoc at he Fondazione Edmund Mach in the Trento area, Italy)
  • Lilia Brinza (Now working at the Institut de Recherche Technologique (IRT) of Lyon)
  • Janice Kielbassa (Now engineer at Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie Lyon (CRCL))
  • Paulo Vieira Milreu (PhD defended in 2012, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Vincent Lacroix and Christian Gautier, currently researcher at TecSinapse, Brazil)
  • Gustavo Sacomoto (PhD defended in 2014, University of Lyon I, then postdoc for one year, co-supervised with Pierluigi Crescenzi, University of Florence, Italy, and Vincent Lacroix, currently researcher at Google Paris)
  • Pierre-Antoine Farnier (PhD defended in 2014, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Laurence Mouton and Fabrice Vavre)
  • Cecília Klein (PhD defended in 2014, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Ana Tereza de Ribeiro Vasconcelos, currently postdoc at the CRG, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Beatrice Donati (PhD defended in 2015, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Pierluigi Crescenzi, University of Florence, Italy)
  • Blerina Sinaimeri (postdoc from 2012 to 2015, now Inria Junior Researcher in the Erable Team)
  • Susan Higashi (PhD defended in 2014, University of Lyon I, co-supervised with Christian Gautier and Stefano Colella, then postdoc in the team for one year, and currently working for a private company on software development)
  • Christian Baudet (visiting PhD student from University of Campinas, Brazil, and then postdoc from 2011 to 2014; currently working at Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France)
  • Laurent Bulteau (postdoc from 2014 to 2015, now Junior Researcher at CNRS, University of Marne-la-Vallée, France)
  • Hong Phong Pham (Master student ENS Lyon, co-supervised with Laurent Bulteau and Arnaud Mary)
  • Delphine Parrot (postdoc from 2014 to 2016, now postdoc at GEOMAR Centre for Marine Biotechnology, Kiel, Germany)
  • Martin Wannagat (PhD defended in July 2016, University of Lyon 1, co-supervised with Leen Stougie and Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela; currently postdoc in the team)

Ex-students who quit academia or changed topic

  • Gérald Balayssac (DEA)
  • Stéphane Bizard (DEA)
  • Philippe Blayo (PhD defended in 2003)
  • Laurent Canet (DEA, co-supervision with Maxime Crochemore and Julien Allali)
  • Anne Cariou (5th year École Vétérinaire Maison-Alfort)
  • Frédéric Chataigner (DEA, co-supervision with Christian Choffrut)
  • Sophie Créno (5th year engineering school and DEA)
  • Philippe Lamy (4th year engineering school)
  • Ludovic Le Botlan (4th year engineering school)
  • Sylvain Lhullier (DEA)
  • Anne Marcel (DESS)
  • Muriel Meites (DESS)
  • Benoît Olivieri (DEA)
  • Gregory Pageot (pre-Master student, University of Marne-la-Vallée, co-supervised with Maxime Crochemore and Julien Allali)
  • Cathy Philippe (DEA, co-supervision with Christine Gaspin and Thomas Faraut, INRA Toulouse)
  • Eric Poiret (4th year engineering school)
  • Sébastien Provencher (Post-doc for 2 years, currently high school teacher in Canada)
  • Sébastien Wirth (4th year university)
  • Marina Zelwer (DEA)
  • Juliet Ansel (Master)
  • Igor Nor (PostDoc)