Re: Some question...

From: Jean Thioulouse (
Date: Thu Sep 11 1997 - 19:00:29 MET DST

spinazzi <> writes:
>1- I ask if the module Distances for Win95 work properly: I have made
>many attempts (3-5), one following the other, in order to obtain a
>distance matrix.

Yes, there was a problem with the Distances module. Please download
the new version (11 Sep 97).

>2- Does it differ the option 'Distances|Canonical Distances' from the
>option 'Cluster|Compute Distances' ?

In Clusters->Compute Distances (with Euclidean distance) the distance
is re-scaled bteween 0 and 1 (this is needed for the clustering algorithms).
In the Distances->Canonical Distances the distance is the raw Euclidean
distance. The Distances->ToClusters option allow you to rescale the
distances between 0 and 1.

>3- Is the option 'Distances|Principal Coordinates' size limited ?

Yes, but the size is limited only by the memory available in your computer.

>4- Is it the only way to perform a Multidimensional Scaling with ADE-4 ?

As far as I know, yes it is.

>5- Wich is the use of Digit, ADEPict and Maps for Win95 (I cannot obtain
>any XY file as output from Digit; I'm not sure to know what they are
>programmed for...) ?

The documentation is now available (although it is the Macintosh version).

>6- I'm not able to save any graph (with the latest released modules,
>Win95); how can I do ?

Well, most people seem to be able to now... What happens exactly ?


         Jean Thioulouse - Laboratoire de Bio-Pedologie
               ORSTOM - BP 1386 - Dakar - Senegal
Fax: (221) 32 16 75 - Tel: Office: (221) 32 18 46 / Home: (221) 32 36 33

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