Franck Picard - Software
Functional Poisson Regression
.zip contains the R functions to implement the Lasso and group-Lasso procedures for functional Poisson Regression
curvclust is a R package dedicated to curve clustering with functional random effects. The package corresponds to the IAP techreport on curve clustering
. Code for simulations as well as data analyzed in the techreport are available here.
CGHSeg performs segmentation in Gaussian processes with application to array CGH data analysis. The
first version of these programs has been implemented in MATLAB and can be downloaded
here. These programs correspond to
the BMC Bioinformatics paper
Another version is available with the segclust R package to perform segmentation
and segmentation/clustering as presented in the Biometrics paper
The cghseg package is now available on the CRAN. It performs joint segmentation as presented in the Biostatistics paper
MixNet is a software package that runs on LINUX. The webpage of the project is
here, along with network
datasets and commented examples. The code has been implemented by
Vincent Miele, and corresponds to the Stat&Comp paper.
from the statistical point of view, and a full presentation of MixNet results can be found in the BMC Bioinformatics paper to appear.
Microarray normalization