Franck Picard - Publications
Recent Preprints
- Continuous testing for Poisson process intensities: A new perspective on scanning statistics, F. Picard, P. Reynaud-Bouret, E. Roquain, Arxiv preprint (1705.08800),2017.
- Minimax wavelet estimation for multisample heteroscedastic non-parametric regression, M. Giacofci, S. Lambert-Lacroix, F. Picard, Journal of Non Parametric Statistics (accepted) 2017, Arxiv preprint
- High Dimensional Classification with combined Adaptive Sparse PLS and Logistic Regression. G. Durif, L. Modolo, J. Michaelsson, J. E. Mold, S. Lambert-Lacroix and F. Picard, Bioinformatics (accepted) Arxiv preprint , (1502.05933), 2017
- SNP calling from RNA-seq data without a reference genome: identification, quantification, differential analysis and impact on the protein sequence. Lopez-Maestre, L. Brinza, C. Marchet, S. Bastien, M. Boutigny, D. Monnin, A. El Filali, C.M. Carareto, C. Viera, F. Picard, N. Kremer, F. Vavre, M.-F. Sagot, V. Lacroix, Nucleic Acids Research , vol. 44(19), 2016

- SEX-DETector: A Probabilistic Approach to Study Sex Chromosomes in Non-Model Organisms, A. Muyle, J. Kafer, N. Zemp, S. Mousset, F. Picard, G. Marais, Genome Biology and Evolution, vol. 8(8), pp.2530–2543 2016
- Modelling overdispersion heterogeneity in differential expression analysis using mixtures. E. Bonafede, F. Picard, S. Robin and C. Viroli. Biometrics, vol. 72(3) pp. 804-814, 2016
- Adaptive Lasso and group-Lasso for functional Poisson regression. S. Ivanoff, F. Picard and V. Rivoirard. JMLR, vol 17, pp.1-46, 2016

- On the robustness of the generalized fused lasso to prior specification, Viallon V., Lambert-Lacroix S., Hoefling H. and Picard F. Statistics and Computing 2016 vol.26(1-2) pp.285-301,

- Spatially constrained clustering of ecological networks, Miele V, Picard F, Dray S Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2014 vol. pp.1-9,

- A new genome-wide method to track horizontally transferred sequences: application to Drosophila,Modolo L, Picard F, Lerat E Genome Biology and Evolution 2014vol. 6 pp.416-32

- The spatiotemporal program of DNA replication is associated with specific combinations of chromatin marks in human cells,Picard F, Cadoret J C, Audit B, Arneodo A, Alberti A, Battail C, Duret L, Prioleau M N, PLoS Genetics 2014 vol. 10 pp.e1004282-e1004282

- Wavelet-based clustering for mixed-effects functional models in high dimension, Giacofci, M. Lambert-Lacroix, S. Marot, G. Picard, F. Biometrics 2013 69:31-40

- High-quality sequence clustering guided by network topology and multiple alignment likelihood. Miele V, Penel S, Daubin V, Picard F, Kahn D, Duret L. Bioinformatics. 2012 28(8):1078-85.

- Statistiques et Génome,Picard F, Schbath S, Lebarbier E, Neuvial P, Chiquet J , La gazette des Mathématiciens 130, 1-32, 2011
- The auxin signalling network translates dynamic input into robust pattening at the shoot apex,
Vernoux, T. Brunoud, G. Farcot, E. Morin, V. Van den Daele, H. Legrand, J. Oliva, M. Das, P. Larrieu, A. Wells, D. Guédon, Y. Armitage, L. Picard, F. Guyomarc`h, S., Cellier, C. Parry, G. Koumproglou, R. Doonan, JH. Estelle, M. Godin, C. Kepinski, S. Bennett, M. de Veylder, L. Traas, J.
Molecular Systems Biology 7(508), 1-15, 2011
- Joint segmentation, calling and normalization of multiple CGH profiles,
Picard, F. Lebarbier, M. Hoebeke, Rigaill, G., Thiam, B. and Robin, S.
Biostatistics 12(3), 413-428, 2011
- Joint segmentation of multivariate Gaussian processes using mixed linear models,
Picard, F. Lebarbier, E., Budinska, E. and Robin, S.
Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis 55,1160-1170,2011
- Strategies for online inference of model-based clustering in large and growing networks,
Zanghi, H. Picard F., Miele V. and Ambroise C.
Annals of Applied Statistics 4(2)687-714,2010
- Preprocessing and downstream analysis of microarray DNA copy number profiles
van de Wiel M., Picard F., van Wieringen W.N. and Ylstra, B.
Briefings in Bioinformatics to appear 2010
- Deciphering the connectivity structure of biological networks using MixNet
Picard F., Miele V., Daudin JJ., Cottret L., Robin S.
BMC Bioinformatics(10)Supp 6,2009
- Assessing the exceptionality of network motifs.
Picard F., Daudin J-J., Koskas M., Schbath S., Robin S.
J. Comp. Biol.(15)1-20,2008
- A mixture model for random graphs.
Daudin J-J., Picard F., Robin S.
Statistics and Computing.
The webpage of the project is here.
- Computing power in case-control association studies
through the use of quadratic approximations: application to meat-statistics.
Guedj M., Della-Chiesa E., Picard F., Nuel G.
Annals of Human genetics.
- A segmentation/clustering model for the analysis of array CGH data.
Picard F., Robin S., Lebarbier E., Daudin J.-J.
- Melanocortin-4 receptor mutations in a large cohort of severely obese adults: prevalence functional classification genotype-phenotype relationship and lack of association with binge eating.
Lubrano-Berthelier C, Dubern B, Lacorte J-M, Picard F, Shapiro A, Zhang S, Bertrais S, Hercberg S, Basdevant A, Clement K, Vaisse C
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- A statistical approach for array CGH data analysis,
Picard F, Robin S, Lavielle M, Vaisse C, Daudin J -J
BMC Bioinformatics
. Corresponding MATLAB programs can be downloaded
- Obesity-associated mutations in the melanocortin-4 receptor provide novel insights into its function.
Govaerts C, Srinivasan S , Shapiro A, Zhang S, Picard F, Clement K, Lubrano-Berthelier C, Vaisse C.
- Constitutive activity of the melanocortin-4 receptor is maintained by its N-terminal domain and plays a role in energy homeostasis in humans
Srinivasan S, Lubrano-Berthelier C, Govaerts C, Picard F, Santiago P, Conklin B, Vaisse C
Journal of Clinical Investigation
- Molecular genetics of human obesity-associated MC4R mutations
Lubrano-Berthelier C, Cavazos M, Dubern B, Shapiro A, Le Stunff C, Zhang SM, Picard F, Govaerts C, Froguel P, Bougneres P, Clement K, Vaisse C
Annals of the New Yok Academy of Sciences
- MixThres: mixture models to define a hybridization threshold in DNA microarray experiments.
F. Picard, M.-L. Martin-Magniette, S. Gagnot, V. Brunaud, J.Aubert, A.-V. Gendrel, S. Robin, M. Caboche, A. Lecharny, V. Colot.
SSB preprint (20)2008
- An Introduction to mixture models.
F. Picard.
SSB preprint (7)
- An Introduction to process segmentation.
F. Picard.
SSB preprint (6)
PhD manuscript
- Process segmentation/clustering. Application to the analysis of array CGH data.
F. Picard, Universite Orsay Paris XI 2005
HDR manuscript
- A statistical tour of genomic data.
F. Picard, 2014