This is the complete list of members for bpp::TreeGraph, including all inherited members.
addSon(Graph::NodeId node, Graph::NodeId sonNode)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
addSon(Graph::NodeId node, Graph::NodeId sonNode, Graph::EdgeId edgeId)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
allEdgesIterator()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
allNodesIterator()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
allNodesIterator() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
branchesIterator(Graph::NodeId node)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
branchesIterator(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
containsReciprocalRelations() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
createNode()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
createNodeFromEdge(NodeId origin)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
createNodeFromNode(NodeId origin)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
createNodeOnEdge(NodeId edge)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
deleteNode(NodeId node)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
EdgeId typedef | bpp::Graph | |
getAllEdges() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getAllInnerNodes() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getAllLeaves() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getAllNodes() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getAnyEdge(NodeId nodeA, NodeId nodeB) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getBottom(EdgeId edge) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getBranches(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getDegree(NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getEdge(NodeId nodeA, NodeId nodeB) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getEdgePathBetweenTwoNodes(Graph::NodeId nodeA, Graph::NodeId nodeB) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getEdges(const NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getEdgeToFather(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getFatherOfNode(Graph::NodeId nodeid) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getIncomingEdges(NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getIncomingNeighbors(NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getLeavesFromNode(NodeId node, unsigned int maxDepth) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getLeavesUnderNode(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getNeighbors(const NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNodePathBetweenTwoNodes(Graph::NodeId nodeA, Graph::NodeId nodeB, bool includeAncestor=true) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getNodes(EdgeId edge) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfEdges() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfIncomingNeighbors(const NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfNeighbors(NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfNodes() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfOutgoingNeighbors(NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getNumberOfSons(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getOutgoingEdges(const NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getOutgoingNeighbors(const NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getRoot() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getSetOfAllLeaves() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
getSons(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getSubtreeEdges(Graph::NodeId localRoot) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getSubtreeNodes(Graph::NodeId localRoot) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
getTop(EdgeId edge) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
hasFather(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
incomingEdgesIterator(NodeId node)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
incomingNeighborNodesIterator(NodeId node)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
isDA() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
isDirected() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
isLeaf(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
isTree() const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
isValid() const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
link(NodeId nodeA, NodeId nodeB)=0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
link(Graph::NodeId nodeA, Graph::NodeId nodeB, Graph::EdgeId edgeID)=0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
makeDirected()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
makeUndirected()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
MRCA(const std::vector< Graph::NodeId > &nodes) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
NodeId typedef | bpp::Graph | |
notifyDeletedEdges(const std::vector< EdgeId > &edgesToDelete) const =0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
notifyDeletedNodes(const std::vector< NodeId > &nodesToDelete) const =0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
orientate()=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
outgoingEdgesIterator(NodeId node)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
outgoingNeighborNodesIterator(NodeId node)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
outputToDot(std::ostream &out, const std::string &name) const =0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
registerObserver(GraphObserver *observer)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
removeSon(Graph::NodeId node, Graph::NodeId son)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
removeSons(Graph::NodeId node) | bpp::TreeGraph | |
rootAt(Graph::NodeId newRoot)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
setFather(Graph::NodeId node, Graph::NodeId fatherNode)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
setFather(Graph::NodeId node, Graph::NodeId fatherNode, Graph::EdgeId edgeId)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
setOutGroup(Graph::NodeId newOutGroup)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
setRoot(NodeId newRoot)=0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
sonsIterator(Graph::NodeId node)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
sonsIterator(Graph::NodeId node) const =0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
unlink(NodeId nodeA, NodeId nodeB)=0 | bpp::Graph | protectedpure virtual |
unregisterObserver(GraphObserver *observer)=0 | bpp::Graph | pure virtual |
unRoot(bool joinRootSons)=0 | bpp::TreeGraph | pure virtual |
~Graph() | bpp::Graph | inlinevirtual |