►Nbpp | |
CAbstractColorSet | Partial implementation of the ColorSet interface |
►CAbstractDiscreteDistribution | Partial implementation of the DiscreteDistribution interface |
COrder | Comparator class for AbstractDiscreteDistribution |
CAbstractFontManager | |
CAbstractGraphicDevice | Partial implementation of the GraphicDevice interface |
CAbstractHmmLikelihood | Partial impmementation of Hmm Likelihoods |
CAbstractHmmTransitionMatrix | Partial implementation of HmmTransitionMatrix |
CAbstractNumericalDerivative | Numerical derivative function wrapper, partial implementation |
CAbstractOptimizationStopCondition | Partial implementation of the OptimizationStopCondition interface |
CAbstractOptimizer | Partial implementation of the Optimizer interface |
CAbstractOutputStream | Helper implementation of the OutputStream interface |
CAbstractParameterAliasable | A partial implementation of the Parametrizable interface |
CAbstractParametrizable | A partial implementation of the Parametrizable interface |
CAdaptiveKernelDensityEstimation | Density estimation using the adaptive kernel method |
CAliasParameterListener | Inner listener class used by AbstractParameterAliasable |
CApplicationTools | This class provides some common tools for developping applications |
CAssociationDAGraphImplObserver | |
CAssociationDAGraphObserver | Defines a DA Graph Associator. It is a template which follows (subscribed to) a Graph |
►CAssociationGraphImplObserver | |
CEdgeIteratorClass | |
CNodeIteratorClass | |
►CAssociationGraphObserver | Defines a Graph Associator. It is a template which follows (subscribed to) a Graph |
CEdgeIterator | |
CNodeIterator | |
CAssociationTreeGraphImplObserver | |
CAssociationTreeGraphObserver | Defines a Tree Graph Associator. It is a template which follows (subscribed to) a Graph |
CAttributesTools | Some functions to deal with attributes, i.e. parameters passed to a program/method |
CAutoCorrelationTransitionMatrix | Describe the auto-correlation probabilities inside hidden states of a Hidden Markov Model |
CAutoParameter | The AutoParameter class |
CBackupListener | Save intermediate optimization results to file |
CBadIntegerException | Number exception: integers |
CBadNumberException | Number exception: doubles |
CBadSizeException | Wrong size exception class |
CBetaDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Beta distribution with parameters alpha and beta, on a given interval. On default, the interval is , but it can be restricted |
CBfgsMultiDimensions | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) optimization method |
CBinaryOperator | Binary arithmetic operator for numerical computation |
CBppApplication | |
CBppBoolean | The BppBoolean object class. This class extends the bool type to support the Clonable interface |
CBppDouble | An object wrapper for double values |
CBppInteger | An object wrapper for integer values |
CBppNotANumber | |
CBppNumberI | The Number interface |
CBppODiscreteDistributionFormat | Discrete Distribution I/O in BppO format |
CBppOParametrizableFormat | Parametrizable output in BppO format |
CBppString | The BppString object class. This class extends the stl::string class to support the Clonable interface |
CBppUnsignedInteger | An object wrapper for unsigned integer values |
CBppVector | The BppVector object class. This class extends the std::vector class to support the Clonable interface |
CBracket | |
CBracketPoint | |
►CBrentOneDimension | Brent's optimization for one parameter |
CBODStopCondition | |
CClonable | The Clonable interface (allow an object to be cloned) |
CColMatrix | Matrix storage by column |
CColorManager | Associate special colors to a code |
CColorSet | Specify a set of color definitions |
CColorTools | Provide tools to deal with color objects |
CComputationTree | Defines a Computation Tree based on Operators |
CConjugateGradientMultiDimensions | Conjugate gradient optimization method |
CConstantDistribution | Constant discrete distribution |
CConstantOperator | Constant (ie leaf) operator |
CConstraintException | Exception thrown when a value do not match a given constraint |
CConstraintInterface | The constraint interface |
CContingencyTableGenerator | Generate a random contingency matrix with given marginal counts |
CContingencyTableTest | Implements tests on contingency tables |
CCoordsTools | Some functions to deal with Point2D |
CCorrespondenceAnalysis | This class allows to perform a correspondence analysis |
CDAGraph | |
CDAGraphImpl | |
CDataTable | This class corresponds to a 'dataset', i.e. a table with data by rows and variable by columns |
CDefaultColorSet | Default color definitions |
CDimensionException | Exception thrown when a dimension problem occured |
CDirectionFunction | |
CDirichletDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Dirichlet distribution. If the distribution is in n dimensions, the domain is the n-1 simplex |
CDiscreteDistributionInterface | Interface for discrete distribution objects |
►CDownhillSimplexMethod | This implements the Downhill Simplex method in multidimensions |
CDSMStopCondition | |
CSimplex | |
CDualityDiagram | The core class of a multivariate analysis |
CDuplicatedTableColumnNameException | Excpetion thrown when attempting to duplicate a column name |
CDuplicatedTableRowNameException | Exception thrown when attempting to duplicate a row name |
CDvipsColorSet | The dvips color definitions |
CEdgesIteratorClass | |
CEdgesIteratorClass< Graph::ALLGRAPHITER, is_const > | |
CEdgesIteratorClass< Graph::INCOMINGNEIGHBORITER, is_const > | |
CEdgesIteratorClass< Graph::OUTGOINGNEIGHBORITER, is_const > | |
CEigenValue | Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real (non-complex) matrix |
CElementNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a given element was not found in the vector |
CEmptyVectorException | Exception thrown when an empty vector was found |
CException | Exception base class. Overload exception constructor (to control the exceptions mechanism). Destructor is already virtual (from std::exception) |
CExponentialDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Exponential distribution |
CFileTools | Some utilitary functions to deal with files |
CFirstOrderDerivable | This is the abstract class for first order derivable functions |
CFirstOrderDerivableWrapper | General class that wraps a function into another one. This class is meant to be derivated and just provides a general framework |
CFivePointsNumericalDerivative | Five points numerical derivative function wrapper |
CFont | Data structure for fonts |
CFontManager | Associate special fonts to a code |
CFullHmmTransitionMatrix | Describe the transition probabilities between hidden states of a Hidden Markov Model |
CFunctionInterface | This is the function abstract class |
CFunctionOperator | Implements a double operator (ie leaf in the computation tree) where value comes from a function |
CFunctionStopCondition | Stop condition on function value |
CFunctionTools | This class contains static methods to deal with Function objects |
CFunctionWrapper | General class that wraps a function into another one. This class is meant to be derivated and just provides a general framework |
CGammaDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Gamma distribution with an offset |
CGaussianDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Gaussian distribution |
CGlobalGraph | |
►CGoldenSectionSearch | Golden Section Search optimization algorithm for one parameter |
CGSSStopCondition | |
►CGraph | |
CALLGRAPHITER | Define categories of iterators |
CEdgeIterator | |
CNodeIterator | |
CGraphicDevice | Interface for all plotting devices |
CGraphObserver | Defines a Graph Observer. It is a template which follows (subscribed to) a Graph. The graph and the graph observer communicate to keep them up-to-date each other. The observer is also an actor, since it can change the structure of the observed Graph |
CHmmBadStateException | Exception thrown when an unvalid state is requested |
CHmmEmissionProbabilities | Interface for computing emission probabilities in a Hidden Markov Model |
CHmmLikelihood | Basal interface for Hidden Markov Models likelihood computation |
CHmmStateAlphabet | Hidden states alphabet |
CHmmTransitionMatrix | Describe the transition probabilities between hidden states of a Hidden Markov Model |
CHmmUnvalidAlphabetException | Exception thrown when an unvalid alphabet is specified |
CIDiscreteDistribution | General interface for distance matrix readers |
CIndexOutOfBoundsException | Index out of bounds exception class |
CInfinityDerivableFirstOrderWrapper | Wrapper class for optimization under constraints |
CInfinityDerivableSecondOrderWrapper | Wrapper class for optimization under constraints |
CInfinityFunctionWrapper | Wrapper class for optimization under constraints |
CIntervalConstraint | An interval, either bounded or not, which can also have infinite bounds |
CIntervalTransformedParameter | Parameter transformation from ] a, b [ to ]-inf, + inf [ |
CInvariantMixedDiscreteDistribution | Discrete mixed distribution, with a one-category fixed value (called "invariant") and a user-specified multi-categories distribution |
CIoDiscreteDistribution | General interface for model I/O |
CIoDiscreteDistributionFactory | Utilitary class for creating discrete distribution readers and writers |
CIOException | The base class exception for IO error |
CIOFormat | The IOFormat interface |
CIOParametrizable | General interface for parametrizable Output |
CKeyvalException | Exception thrown by the Keyval parser |
CKeyvalTools | Tools to deal with the keyval syntax |
CLinearMatrix | Matrix storage in one vector |
CLogsumHmmLikelihood | A simple implementation of hidden Markov models recursion |
CLowMemoryRescaledHmmLikelihood | A modified implementation of the RescaledHmmLikelihood implementation, with lower memory usage |
CLUDecomposition | LU Decomposition |
CMapTools | A fiew tools working on map objects |
CMathOperator | Implements a unary operator that applies a math (described in cmath) operator |
CMatrix | The matrix template interface |
CMatrixTools | Functions dealing with matrices |
CMetaOptimizer | Meta-optimizer |
CMetaOptimizerInfos | Provide a list of optimizer and corresponding options to be used with the MetaOptimizer class |
CMixtureOfDiscreteDistributions | A Discrete distribution object defined by a vector of Discrete Distributions and a set of probabilities for these Discrete Distributions |
CMolscriptColorSet | Molscript color definitions |
CMultipleDiscreteDistribution | Interface for multiple discrete distribution objects |
CMultiRange | This class implements a data structure describing a set of non-overlapping intervals |
CNegativeOperator | Negative value for an operator |
CNeighborIteratorClass | Abstract class for neighbor iterators |
CNestedStringTokenizer | An improved tokenizer for strings |
►CNewtonBacktrackOneDimension | Newton's backtrack nearly optimization for one parameter |
CNBODStopCondition | |
CNewtonOneDimension | Newton's optimization for one parameter |
CNodesIteratorClass | |
CNodesIteratorClass< Graph::ALLGRAPHITER, is_const > | |
CNodesIteratorClass< Graph::INCOMINGNEIGHBORITER, is_const > | |
CNodesIteratorClass< Graph::OUTGOINGNEIGHBORITER, is_const > | |
CNoTableColumnNamesException | Exception thrown when trying to retrieve a column by its name and no column names have been specified |
CNoTableRowNamesException | Exception thrown when trying to retrieve a row by its name and no row names have been specified |
CNotImplementedException | This exception is sent when a given method is not implemented |
CNullOutputStream | Null output stream (swich off output) |
CNullPointerException | The base class exception for NULL pointer error. This exception may be thrown when an unexpected NULL pointer is found |
CNumber | The Number object template class |
CNumberFormatException | Number format exception |
CNumCalcApplicationTools | |
CNumConstants | This static class contains several useful constant values |
CNumericalDerivativeInterface | Numerical derivative function wrapper |
CNumTools | Some utilitary function for numerical calculus |
CODiscreteDistribution | General interface writers |
COneDimensionOptimizationTools | Tools of one parameter-functions optimizations |
COParametrizable | General interface writers |
COperator | Interface of operator for numerical computation |
COptimizationEvent | An event object which indicates that an optimization event occured |
COptimizationListener | The listener interface for receiving optimization events |
COptimizationStopCondition | Interface for otimization stop condition objet |
COptimizerInterface | This is the basal interface for all optimization methods |
COrderedSimplex | Simplex where all values are in decreasing order |
COutOfRangeException | Out of range exception class |
COutputStream | OutputStream interface |
CParameter | This class is designed to facilitate the manipulation of parameters |
CParameterAliasable | Extend the Parametrizable interface with support for parameter aliases |
CParameterAliasableAdapter | A low-level implementation of the ParameterAliasable interface with void functions |
CParameterEvent | |
CParameterException | The parameter exception base class |
CParameterGrid | This class is a data structure to specify a set of parameter values (most likely for evaluation by a Function) |
CParameterList | The parameter list object |
CParameterListener | The parameter listener interface |
CParameterNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a parameter is not found, for instance in a ParameterList |
CParametersStopCondition | Stop condition on parameters |
CParametrizable | This is the interface for all objects that imply parameters |
CParametrizableAdapter | A low-level implementation of the Parametrizable interface with void functions |
CParametrizableCollection | Plain collection of parametrizable objects |
CPgfGraphicDevice | LaTeX Portable Graphic Format (Pgf) plotting format |
CPlaceboTransformedParameter | 'Placebo' parameter transformation from ] b, +inf [ or ] -inf, b [ to ]-inf, + inf [ |
CPoint2D | The Point2D class |
►CPowellMultiDimensions | Powell's multi-dimensions optimization algorithm for one parameter |
CPMDStopCondition | |
CPrincipalComponentAnalysis | This class allows to perform a principal component analysis |
CRandomTools | Utilitary function dealing with random numbers |
CRange | The Range class, defining an interval |
CRangeCollection | Interface discribing a collection of Range objects |
CrangeComp_ | A special class used inside RangeCollection |
CRangeSet | This class implements a data structure describing a set of intervals |
CRColorSet | R color definitions |
CReparametrizationDerivableFirstOrderWrapper | Function wrapper that remove simple constraints on parameters. Also transform first order derivatives |
CReparametrizationDerivableSecondOrderWrapper | Function wrapper that remove simple constraints on parameters. Also transform first and second order derivatives |
CReparametrizationFunctionWrapper | Function wrapper that remove simple constraints on parameters |
CRescaledHmmLikelihood | A simple implementation of hidden Markov models recursion |
CRGBColor | Describe a color according to its red, green and blue componants |
CRowMatrix | Matrix storage by row |
CRTransformedParameter | Parameter transformation from ] b, +inf [ or ] -inf, b [ to ]-inf, + inf [ |
CSecondOrderDerivable | This is the abstract class for second order derivable functions |
CSecondOrderDerivableWrapper | General class that wraps a function into another one. This class is meant to be derivated and just provides a general framework |
CSimpleDiscreteDistribution | A Discrete distribution object, where some specific probabilities are assigned to a finite set of values |
CSimpleMultiDimensions | This Optimizer is a very simple multi-dimensions optimizer, calling a one dimensional optimizer on each parameter |
CSimpleNewtonMultiDimensions | This Optimizer is a simple multi-dimensions optimizer, calling the Newton one dimensional optimizer on each parameter |
CSimplex | A Simplex object, used to define sets of probabilities that sum 1 |
CStateChangedEvent | |
CStateListener | |
CStatTest | Interface for statistical test results |
►CStatTools | Statistics tools and utilitary functions |
CPValue_ | |
CStdErr | Standard error stream |
CStdOut | Standard output stream |
CStdStr | String output stream |
CStlOutputStream | STL output stream |
CStlOutputStreamWrapper | STL wrapper for output stream |
CStringTokenizer | A tokenizer for strings |
CSvgGraphicDevice | SVG plotting format |
CTable | This class corresponds to a 'dataset', i.e. a table with data by rows and variable by columns |
CTableColumnNameNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a given column name is not found is a DataTable object |
CTableColumnNamesException | General exception class dealing with column names |
CTableNameNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a given name is not found is a DataTable object |
CTableRowNameNotFoundException | Exception thrown when a given row name is not found is a DataTable object |
CTableRowNamesException | General exception class dealing with row names |
CTestFunction | A simple function with two parameters, mostly for testing and debugging :) |
CThreePointsNumericalDerivative | Three points numerical derivative function wrapper |
CTransformedParameter | The TransformedParameter abstract class |
CTreeGraph | |
CTreeGraphImpl | |
CTruncatedExponentialDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Truncated (on the right) Exponential distribution, where the probabilities are given the exponential, conditioned by the upper limit |
CTwoPointsNumericalDerivative | Two points numerical derivative function wrapper |
CUniformDiscreteDistribution | Discretized Uniform distribution. All categories are equidistributed all along a given interval |
CUnvalidFlagException | |
CVectorException | General Exception dealing with vectors |
►CVectorTools | |
Corder_Cmp_ | |
CXFigColorManager | Color manager for the XFig format |
CXFigGraphicDevice | XFig plotting format |
CXFigLaTeXFontManager | LaTeX font manager for the XFig format |
CXFigPostscriptFontManager | Postscript font manager for the XFig format |
CZeroDivisionException | The base class exception for zero division error |